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Hits home as this happened to someone close to us in the baseball world.

Remember, always be there for someone, you never know what they are going through or need.

“I don’t scratch my head unless it itches and I don’t dance unless I hear some music. I will not be intimidated. That’s just the way it is.”

Last edited by russinfortworth
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One of my son's best friends committed suicide just before school started two years ago. I am ashamed to say that it has taken most of that time for me to be able to spend time with the boy's mom and not flinch when she says "yea, my son used to. . . " and tell one of those stories that all of us love to tell about our kids. What finally hit home for me was one day a group of moms had breakfast and the mother told me--"my worst nightmare is that my son is forgotten."

It seems to simple.

Being the parent of a child who committed suicide is no end of pain. Being the parent of that child's friend and knowing you still have your child is no end of guilt (irrational, I know).

Listening is the greatest gift, for both of you.

I read that yesterday, and it was definitely moving.  I cannot imagine what losing a son would be like, and especially to suicide.

My father and brother both committed suicide, and my brother's was the worst day of my life.  Suicide leaves you asking so many questions, and I still often wonder if there was anything I could have done to prevent his.  

My father was never in my life, so it did not really affect me at the time, but I now sometimes wonder what it would be like if he was still alive.  Would we have a relationship?  What would he be like to my kids? Etc.?

Ryno, sorry for your loss.  

The current spike in the suicide rate is alarming.  Anxiety disorder and depression run in my family, and we're pretty careful to do checks on both kids.  My son has had two teammates touched by suicide - one lost his father, the other an aunt with whom he was close.  


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