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I have been asked to be the administrator for my son's high school summer team. Team has paid coaches but logistics such as scheduling games and tournaments, collecting fees, ordering hats and jerseys, etc. falls on the administrator. Understand that this is the first year the team has paid (i.e. non-parent)coaches--HS coach assists but until this year everything was voluntary and everybody got along fine.

So we have our organizational meeting a few nights ago--coaches for 16U and 18U and the two administrators. I get handed the roster for 16U and then coaches start discussing reservations about one or two players, mostly frosh who haven't been seen much yet. But one player is last to be offered invite--if left off, would be only soph not invited to play. Concern is that this player will likely see little playing time and parents are already upset that player is seeing little playing time on JV, are likely to make a ruckus if kid doesn't play much, are likely to make a bigger ruckus if kid isn't invited to play on team at all. (Parents have a history of making ruckuses).

Here's the first twist: Player's parents are my (and my DH's) best friends. When composition of team was first discussed, player was not included (as I said, only soph left off--eight invited). I asked, "What about ________?" Hesitation, mention that kid is great kid, uh, mention of past ruckuses by parents, hemming and hawing, not sure kid is ready to play at next level, etc. I say fine, not my decision, team is picked by coaches, etc.

When I get roster, player is included, but I am told inclusion is MY call--i.e. player is on team as a courtesy to me!!!

What do I do now?

My inclination is to have player treated like any other player, notified by coach and I say NOTHING to parents regarding circumstances of selection. It is NOT my business and coaches did put him on team and that is all anyone needs to know. But player is likely to see little playing time and ruckuses will definitely ensue.

Do I talk to my friends? If so, what do I tell them? What's the ethical thing to do here?


"I am thankful for my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister, my dog, my house, and most of the furniture."
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PAmom, thanks--you are right. FO, I think if it were only one ruckus it would have been an easy call for coaches but they know either way hassles will ensue. I have confidence in summer coach's ability to deal firmly with these parents. I was just hoping a ruckus could be avoided altogether. And who knows, maybe it will be--maybe kid will play really well this summer, or maybe parents will suddenly decide to behave themselves. Roll Eyes


"I am thankful for my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister, my dog, my house, and most of the furniture."
The main question you should be asking yourself is "IS this kid ready?" If the answer is no, then it is more unfair to the kid to allow him on the team (Not to mention dangerous), get his hopes up, only to have him sit the bench. On the other hand if this kid is ready, you have to ask yourself: "Is it fair to allow the kid to suffer because of some perceived 'ruckus' caused by his Parents?" Then there is the HUGE question lingering out there that all the parents on your team should be asking. "If our coaches can't even make this decision, what makes us think they will be able to make good decisions for the team?" As a coach myself, I give little thought to the Parents. Sure it is important that everyone get along, but we can't lose site of the main focus...THE KIDS.
Ok - my kid could be the one left off. I would rather he be hurt now and have a full summer where he could decide to go another direction then sit the bench all season. I get a PIT in my stomach on my way to every game because I wonder IF he will play, IF he will hit, will he make an error and get pulled? Will he be disappointed? Practice is fun for him and being part of a good thing is great - but this bench sitting and then putting them on the team I never understand. Each year we think once he makes the team it will be different - it never is but his enthusiasim makes us support him each year.
Thanks for all the input. Reading over my post I realize that I didn't state an important point--one coach wants kid on team, other does not. Neither sees kid as "star", another player in the same class is playing ahead of him so unless injuries occur or player moves to a different position, player will always be a back-up. Player himself, although not thrilled, would rather be back-up than not on team at all. Coach who doesn't want him wants a less-skilled player who is in the class behind the two players, for development reasons. But for summer the two older boys are definitely better players than the frosh who is not being invited this year.

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