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Here is the update from the minor league world of James Wood.

1. They found out that there will be 4 to a 2-bedroom apartment in Lake Elsinore (Low A where he will start his season), furnished with twin beds. He (6'7") and Jackson (6'3") are already trying to figure out if they can fit bigger beds in their rooms. Maybe no room for bean bags. Hahaha

2. Season starts April 8th and Kenny, the girls and I will be there for the first series (away) and part of the second series (home).

3. Kenny was out at Spring Training a couple of weeks ago and got some very positive and consistent feedback from coaches and execs about James's work ethic, performance, sense of humor and coachability (he's initially shy and quiet so if they are seeing that it's because he's comfortable so it's a good thing).

4. His day starts at 6:30am every day and during his downtime he's usually exhausted/sleeping

5. Cuts have started (and some guys have retired) which is so matter how or why it's the end of a dream...

6. We have to beg him for details. Like I'll say "How was your day." And he's say "Decent." and I'll say, "What does that mean?" And I won't get a response. Then three hours later I'll get a text from Kenny (I'm back in Moz right now) who talked to Jackson's Dad and the two of them went 7-10 and James almost hit for the cycle (missed the double). He's hit  4 HRs that we know of. One monster shot against the Dodgers last Monday and then he did this yesterday):

Last edited by PTWood

So quiet and effortless - gorgeous swing!

Hopefully the twins are the extra long variety? Trev spent 2 juco years on one with no other options- he’s 6’5”.

So glad they have to do housing now, will it be a host family when he gets settled? Trev did a full season of AA, $13K pre tax, safe housing near Trenton NJ took most of his after tax earnings…

Last edited by JucoDad

@JucoDad  In college, my husband and his roommate (Kenny was the shorty at 6'5"...Springer was 6'8"... they had a footer on the team as well) had the long beds and they still weren't long enough. So they bunked them and got two extra mattresses from the school for makeshift king beds. LOL

From what we know (see point 6. of my summary above) they will not be with host families but will stay in the apartments. It will make a huge difference not just in costs but in terms of flexibility if they get moved around from one team to another...

@PTWood On point 6 - Every kid is different, I’m just now hearing the juco stories from when Trev was that age - some are things I’m glad I didn’t know…

These days I don’t ask about baseball unless he’s starting a baseball conversation - which he does often. I just ask how he’s doing, in general terms, and let it flow from there. Baseball becomes their external identity, so I feel my role is to be sure I see all of him.

@JucoDad most definitely. I do not ask about baseball but it's pretty much his entire day at this point so when you ask how was your day it's either baseball....sleeping...walking to baseball...eating at baseball...or baseball. LOL

As for stories, we already heard one about him dropping a buddy off at the airport and driving his buddy's car back to the spring training complex 20 minutes away and across highways. NBD.

If you have a driver's license.

I'm sure this could be it's own incriminating and probably offensive thread.

Thanks for all your kind words guys. He actually got a few at bats in the major league game yesterday. Struck out his first at bat against Garrett Croset and walked his second at bat. He ended up being the game tying run because Campusano came in after him and hit a game-winning grand slam (9-8).  LOL

Today back in the minors and hit HR #5. We only know because his agent is there. One of the kids he mentors pitched in his first HS game today and he was talking to me about that and not his HR. They wrap up soon and start heading to their assignments

Last edited by PTWood

Correct me if I'm wrong, but FT Wayne is high A and Lake Elsinore is low A. The way he's swinging he should be in FT Wayne sooner rather than later.  Just checked the Lake Elsinore schedule hoping they'd be visiting the San Jose Giants when we're out there in May. No such luck. We miss them by two days.  If this was last year, I'd be in SoCal and make a few games at Rancho Cucamonga and/or Lake Elsinore.

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