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Perhaps this belongs in the Unusually Unusual forum, but anyway...

I just read in the paper that one researcher declared today, January 23, statistically the gloomiest day of the year. This was based on a combination of factors - weather (lack of sunshine, cold), post-holiday letdown (exciting events are past), post-holiday debt, and a few others.

We sure notice some behavioral aberrations around this time of year on the forums - generally referred to as cabin fever or WAITING for BASEBALL season!

So my little survey is...

1. Are you generally happy/contented, or gloomy/worried (either this time of year, or year 'round)?

2. What do you think is the single factor that contributes most to you being happy or gloomy?

3. What factor has the opposite effect in your life?
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I think it's true. It's the day the glass looks emptiest. BUT it is also the day where the light appears at the end of the tunnel after a month of wandering in the dark. The new season of Survivor is now visible on the near horizon, and baseball is beginning to awaken from slumber.
Unusually, we're getting mid-40s and a lot of sunshine over on my side of the earth!!
The weather here in Nor Cal is beautiful today but we have noticed at our house we are very antsy. Can't wait to get baseball started. Found out that we will be hosted a camp for youngsters for President's Day so baseball won't start until March. Generally I'm happy but do tend to get gloomy when it rains too long and I'm stuck in the house with all the boys. Family then baseball make us happy but thinking about bills tends to stress me out.


I tell you, Spring is right around the corner for ya'll...We got it already...

It's BBQue weather here today...65 degrees, no wind, clear as a bell, the grass is brilliant green after some January rain, the ocean is calm and flat, Yes, survivor is on the Horizon, College baseball is hours away, high school practice also starts the 1st, March Madness is coming, the days grow longer, the xmas debits can wait, American Idol is on, the Karma thread is active, Windmill and JT's sons comitted, JB gave us a great thread...

And we got great Karma EVERYWHERE...
Well, Julie, interesting info....

I think I had a very good day today - but tend to feel pretty good about most of my days.

I think family and friends have the biggest influence on how I feel on most days. You can meet people that seem to never have a cheerful moment in their day (I guess it's Jan 23 all year long!) - I advise running the other way! Watching a baseball game ranks right up there in bringing smiles for me!

What has the opposite effect of my friends, family and baseball - last months gas bill! Eek Thank goodness for some warmer weather recently!!!

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