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After reading this post I asked my son what he thought. I pretty much already new his answer. He didn't care. He asked some of his friends some stated the same they didn't care but there were some that said they did not want their parents there at all. I watched some of the football practices and just didn't have time to watch any of the basketball practices. If time permits I will be their watching from the outfield.

agree that you should know your returning varsity players abilities


agree that the boys in the class should be giving it their all, year round


agree that it's up to 1. coach 2. player 3. parent

Now, as for following my son around in school...I was blessed to have been able to be in the same building with him for two years. By far one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever encountered....of course....he knows what a nut-case I am....and accepts me for it, anyway. 14
readI agree that most all coaches know the layout of their team prior to tryouts, however to post it on the internet in December is to say the least ignorant pull_hair, as well as cutting ones own throat. crazy

What about the move-ins or even that hot freshman coming in?

I know for a fact several kids that did not even show up that year for tryouts because of it.

Also I am one that lives by the rule that your status (returning senior) does not protect your position. I do not care if you are a returning senior, if the soph or junior beats you out to start that is life, try working harder.

Kids on my sons baseball team ask him why I am not there when I do not show up for practice.

And yeah I would say the same about my son if he got beat out....Work harder.
We're starting our last & Sr. year in high school after a successful 4 yrs. My husband (who recently retired) received the best present yet. After our son told him as a freshman (don't come to practices); as a sophomore (only if you have to); as a junior (no response at all); to just last week.. Dad are you going to be there Monday? ... Life is good.

Good Luck to all involved in the tryout process.

To the Coaches: I think this week is best summed up as "The Best of Times (start of the season) and The Worst of Times (cuts)......I think we tend to forget that the cuts can/do hurt the coaches as well.......

To all the newbie Freshman parents I can feel your pain, it seems like only yesterday that we went through this same process (2yrs ago) and believe it or not we still go through similar emotions year in/year out until that list is posted and a position on the team is secure............

Relax (the hardest thing to do, this week), I wish I had done that more my son's Freshman year as they really do feel "your pain" and feel your nervousness and boy that can't be of any positive benefit to them during this week.

Let your son's go through the process but be there to support, encourage and to listen as much or as little as he needs it......and in the end to celebrate when it all goes well..............

Good Thing is that it looks like good weather at least till Thursday........and for us scrimmages start next week and hopefully the rain/cold stays far, far away.........

GOOD LUCK TO ALL THIS SEASON. May your wins be big,your son's stay injury free, your time in the stands (or down first/third baseline) enjoyable, my all the Seniors enjoy this final season and fill it full of lifelong memories and my each and everyone of your son's have an outstanding time representing their High Schools!

KD, PD,theygrowupfast, baseballmom, catchallmom, NRPmom I will see you at the field!

baseball4 LET'S PLAY BALL
Last edited by oldbat-never

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