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"drafted by the Kobe 9 Cruise, a professional team in a new independent Japanese league that starts its first season in April."

I was imagining that TR was thinking this is an abomination; the world is coming to an end. We would have been in agreement. Then I read the above quote from the story and realized this new league found its gimmick to attract customers.

For a moment there, I was ready to get working with my lefty 16 yo daughter. She pitched a few LL games years ago and I thought she could surpass infidel_son, but at the time she didn't have the focus needed to last a whole game.
Last edited by infidel_08
I can't put myself in the situation of offering a "knowing" opinion, but don't women find these "gimmicks" insulting?

As a guy, I look at these situations as not only embarrassing to the female gender, but also offending to both genders because there was probably many players with better tools that were looked over because they did not fit the gimmick "profile". Isn't this also a form of discrimination? Maybe our society has lowered itself to this cheap "shock value", but, I find it rather hypocritical that so many that believe in equal rights find this acceptable. IMO, You will never have true equality until everyone is looked upon, and treated, as an equal. If you want to be part of the circus, don't expect to be taken seriously.
Last edited by rz1

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