“Yardbird, stop being so closed minded”
I’m closed minded!!!? Remember I am the one bringing the Marshall information here, this could be considered the opposite of closed minded and your thinking that the continuance of the traditional information would be considered closed minded.
“Sure Mike Marshall has some quality ideas”
You would do better in naming one or two.
“he also is not the be all do all when it comes to pitching”
He is the leading expert in his field with actual scientific information that is free to the public and the question you posed about people charging and for actual injurious information was correctly answered, I find it interesting that the good information is free and the injurious information is charged for, that’s all.
“Some pitchers are power pitchers and some are finess pitchers.”
I prefer all pitchers to be finesse ones even if they have velocity
“Some pitchers have tight tendons and ligaments”
This is preferable and are the “Some pitchers throw over the top”.
“Some have lose tendons and ligaments”
This would be the non-preferable “three quarters” performers.
“Some pitchers physically develop earlier than others”
Biological maturity is important in developing a proper training timeline.
If you mean develop mechanically it does not matter.
“In closing, Mike Marshall's methods might work for some, but in the same way be ineffective or harmful for others”
I have been teaching these mechanics for over 12 years to hundreds of pitchers and have not run into one player who was not effective! These mechanics are non harmful to all who perform them because all human being are built basically the same! Well maybe not R.D i c ky who was born with out a UCL and has proven you do not need one to pitch in the MLB.
Despite what YB posts, have yet to see and wondering if we ever will a pitcher in pro ball with full Marshall mechanics.
As I have explained in the past many times you can stop wondering because the Cardinal upper (MLB) level brain trust put a stop to there development personnel’s attempt to find out by eliminating Joe Williams before he had a chance to show the world that this is a superior mechanic. What a shame!
“If the exist, they all seem to be hidden out there for their protection”
There are none anymore, the last ones that Dr.Marshall trained are now at Incarnate Word university with a Marshall trained pitching coach, the only one who would give them the ball and they are not genetically gifted fast twitchers like Williams and Sparks are.
All my clients who learn the crowstep motion are told they will not be given the ball!
“this I don't get, is this like aliens among us?”
Have no paranoia! The top half mechanics are coming on strong in the MLB with many starting to train and perform them more and more each year but the full version where the bottom half is performed is dead for now effectively squashed by the baseball establishment mentality and will only be seen in a future ere when we are all gone.