Now to confuse things even more, coach needs an A pitcher and an A catcher for his program but doesn't have enough money to entice them both to school (especially if he is an out of state player). So he decides to offer A Pitcher the scholarship, the offer is accepted and whamo...A Pitcher gets drafted and never shows up on campus! Taking "A" player also opens more opportunities for "C" players. Caoches know "C" might accept much less than the "B", so he is able to balance out his scholarship money.
Word of advice, don't ever ask if you are an A,B or C player!
I agree they are fishing, they already know the "A" player is on everyone's list, they need to find out more info for teh "B" and "C" player.
The value in showcases, is not only getting seen, but helps the player and parent to understand where he fits in, by comparing his talent with his peers. The wise parent and player have already set their expectations before July 1, will not be disappointed if they don't get the call they want, or surprised if they get a call they weren't expecting . I am not posting this to bust anyone's bubble, but to help parents to understand that it is a very complicated process. If you are prepared and educated for the "realities of recruiting", the process will be so much easier, with less stress and anticipation.
Are you still on that "stud" stuff with the mentioning of corrals?