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Waiting to kickoff his Junior year of HS baseball, we know out son has the athletic potential to play college baseball based on the contacts he has already received. Academically, he has an uphill battle to be competitive. We are looking into JUCO's as the "best" fit for him and were intrigued to find out HOW many scholarships (24) they can offer and the high level of play/competition they house. We have visited the NJCAA site and they do not offer alot of information on the recruiting timeline or process in JUCO vs 4 year schools. Any expereince or thougths on the topic would be great.
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One thing you might want to consider is a private JUCO vs. a community college. The quality of the baseball can be the same but the cost of attending is dramatically different. Some private junior colleges are as expensive as 4 year schools, depending if your in state or out of state. With a partial scholly we are paying more for a private JC than we would have payed at a Florida CC without a scholarship.

Regardless of how many schollies they have JUCOs also will spread out the money. Offering partial scholarships to many players.

Some jr colleges also have JV or developmental teams. At my son's JUCO they all practice together, around 40 players, but only 25-30 travel.

Like foridafan said, juco's recruit just like 4 year schools. They attend tournaments and go watch players that they hear about. Also, if a JC coach has relationships with 4 year coaches the 4 year coaches will recommend players they like, but can't accept due to grades, to the JC coaches.

Virginia and the Carolinas have many good JCs to choose from. Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback. We are in VA and our son wants to be close enough to home for us to be able to wacth him play. Do JUCO start as early as 4 year colleges? He has received a fair amount of interest from 4 year schools, but not anything from JUCO. We have reached out to them, but not received any feedback yet. He is a HS Jr. Happy New Year

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