congrats..USD is a great program, I hear nothing but good things about it officially and unofficially....
Good advice all...
In our experience Junior Day usually goes like this...arrival/welcome...meet the coaching staff...speech on program and Q/A...tour of baseball facilities...tour of Campus including dorms...often there is a meeting with the academic advisor stressing academics and Q/A...Lunch...Second meeting Q/A....watch ball game (or leave)...
Important things...yes, by all means dress properly...Introduce yourself, stand up straight and look the coaches in the eye...act like a ballplayer not a thug...be aware, you are being watched and evaluated...carefully observe the campus, the coaches, the players....Can you see yourself there?....Is it a good fit?...Your kind of student body?...Your kinds of players?....The way the coaching staff works?...The intereraction between players and coaches...Talk to other players and parents...you can learn a great deal from both.
Even if you CAN'T go...make sure that you call them and let them know that you are very interested...a solid line of communication has been offered, do not let it go....