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I know this has appeared a couple of times before, but now that my Son has received an invite (to a Junior Day) I just wanted to clarify for myself the significance, if any, for the invite. The College (A well known top 10 D-1) has sent my Son a number of letters, invites to camps and responded to an e-mail that I initiated. This all occured after WWBA in Ft. Myers where he had a good event. The College would be a stretch perhaps from an academic standpoint, and although it is not a Florida school, is one that we (at this early stage) like to consider.

Any sugestions as to what type of priority we should place on the invite, and at least as important, if we do not attend, will that be percieved as a lack of interest on our part and cool them off as far as interest in my Son goes?

The Journey Continues!

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Floridafan - If your son is interested, go...They know who they invited and they know who shows up. You have to show interest. Will it mean they will offer him later? No, but it is a dance that you should accept to get courted. As far as cooling them off - doubt seriously whether that will make any difference if they are "hot" on his trail - but aren't you a little interested in seeing the campus, who else they might have sent similar invites to, hearing the coaches talk, and checking out the baseball program?
Originally posted by baseballtoday:
If you can afford to go, then go.

Not going has no affect on their recruiting of a player. They understand. It's only a show and tell of the program to players they are interested in.

If not going, make sure you send a note saying you are sorry you cant make it and express your continued interest in their program.

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