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Just got home. There really is no way to do justice to the 5 day experience.

5 days of watching incredibly talented kids.

And watching a game with Coach Merc - and watchng his talented son Michael.

Watching a game and talking baseball with Coach May. I could probably do that forever.

Sitting in the cart with my friend TR - watching his team play - and talking baseball.

Shep coming up - with his wonderful wife - and just soaking it all in.

Meeting Coaches and friends from days past like FBG (who took the time to talk baseball with my son)- and former players who are now coaches as well.

And my personal highlight of this weekend - sitting and watching a game with PG Jerry - as busy as this man was - and just talking baseball and having fun.

Just an incredible experience - and once again - something my son and I will never forget.
You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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Gamer was it awesome or what? Wow! What talent in one place to see. The games were off the hook! Nail biters all over the place. One run games , extra innings etc etc. I got to meet several of our friends from this site. I hate I missed TR and Shep. I really wanted to meet you guys. I did meet Coach Merc , what a great baseball guy. His son is a specimen I tell you that. I met Midlodad. He is a great guy. Knows the game and I really enjoyed just standing there talking baseball with him. I met the wonderfull TPM finally. She is such a sweet lady. And of course Itsinthegame. Man I could watch baseball all day long with that guy. We have so much in common its scary. His son is one of my favorite players. He plays the game of baseball the way its supposed to be played. You can tell he loves the game by the way he plays it. And the kid is very talented. Dawgswoods son was outstanding. SouthernNO1's son was outstanding as well. He came in relief in one game with runners at 2nd and 3rd and got two straight outs on two pitches. And then retired the side on five pitches the next inning. I met Florida Fan what a great guy. We stood and talked baseball and laughed and had a great time. What a great guy. I felt like I had known him my whole life. And man can his son swing a bat. Big Time! The people on this site that I have met in person have been awesome. I only wish their sons played on my HS team. But that wouldnt be fair. Because we would never lose a game. And we would have way too much fun. Great to meet all of you.
Ditto about the talent there.

Great tournament. Great attendance by coaches and scouts.

Only wish Friday wouldn't have got so screwed up with the weather. My sons team played on the field where they brought the helicopter in. That was quite interesting to see. Eek

Son did very well, and I wish he could've pitched more. But again...the weather. Roll Eyes

I'm already having baseball withdrawals now that it's all over.... Wink
I heard of it being done before but I had never seen it. I was standing there watching a game and I hear a helicopter coming in and it hovers right over a field for several minutes. The entire infield of this one particular field was completely under water. We actually ended up playing on this field the next day. If PG doesnt mind I would be curious to know what that cost them to hire a helicopter to dry off a field?
Were they on a Search and Rescue mission? Wink

The cost is going to depend upon the size of the helicopter, the skill of the pilot, how long the job takes, and the distance they had to fly back and forth to reach the job.

If you don't have a drying wind you can bring one to the field...

Of course you can overdo it too!

And you do have to get the right sized helicopter...otherwise you won't accomplish a whole lot.

This one didn't cost much. :
Last edited by gotwood4sale
That was cool did it work?
They need to contact Clemson next year and ship down the super soaker, that thing drinks up the water 1,2,3, but not great on the infield.

The red fields at Roger Dean have always looked like that for years. The blue fields get more attention because that is where HS teams play. In HS DK always played on the blue fields, never on the red unless there was a big tourney like the woodbat. Great complex though, where can you go where you have 8 fields to hold an even in one place.

Did they use the stadium at all?

Was that Floridafans son (centerfielder) for Team Addidas?
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
That's a great video...but it didn't appear as though the helicopter accomplished much. Perhaps if all of the standing water had been removed first then the chopper may have been able to do some good.

Actually it did. It pushed most of the water off the field, then they were able to get the "field dry" bags out (lots of 'em)to soak up the rest.

It wasn't perfect by any stretch, but at least they were able to get the game in.
Great event, questionable weather, great people. For those I had the chance to meet. Thank You. Coach May, thanks for the kind words. It's always a pleasure to watchg Jeff. Itsinthegame, it's like you never left the area.

TPM, sorry we didn't meet. To answer your question, they did use the stadium. My son played there on Saturday and as cool as it was for them. It's kind of out of the action so to speak for the coaches. There were a few who ventured over. We were spoiled however since we got to play the first game on Friday and there were many many coaches around.

It was a real treat to spend some time with you in Jupiter this past weekend. I told my wife what you said Smile Its, my wife says she appreciates the compliment and enjoyed meeting you, as well.

My wife also asked me to tell TR and Betty Ford, she enjoyed meeting them too. I don't believe she has put the PG Media Guide down since we got back home. She loves baseball and attends all the pro games with me. Don't think she was used to moving around so much. We were watching multiple games and players at so many various fields in Jupiter.

Your son Kyle, has a full-measure of my blessings, my friend. Expect great things this spring!

Originally posted by njbb:
Have they ever thought to hold this event in AZ ? They have the same type of complexes with out the rain

PG holds two big woodbats here in the east, one in Atlanta in summer and the one here in Jupiter, both with huge participation. I am sure it is designed that way because of the number of teams that attend are east coast teams, plenty of scouts here in FL, plus a concentration of big programs (and smaller) in this part of the country. JMO.

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