Just A Pitcher. That's what the kids refer to pitchers who do not play a position. The boy a 2010 6'5" 195 lb LHP. Has worked very hard towards competing for the starting 1st base job. He has played 1b virtually all his BB career. Plays the position very well and hit over 400 in the hs winter league. He felt, he was ready to take on the incumbent.
The coach is now in the process of trying out kids who have never played the position. To back up the incumbent. For now the boy is out of the picture, limited bp and no reps at 1b. He is "Just a Pitcher", which has been equally confusing to his team mates.
I guess my question would be. Is it time to focus on pitching only and hang up the Demarini for good?
He knows where his future lies in bb and several schools have expressed interest in him as a LHP. I believe he was hoping that he could get a couple more years in as a position player and pitcher before that time had come. He really enjoys the game and the process of getting better in all aspect of the game. I am just not sure if it's worth it, if you do not get the opportunities.
I know to many this will probably come across as some dad whining about playing time. To others I hope there may be some suggestions in how to handle the new role and how they handled similiar situations.
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