I am officially on the DL, and bored to tears.
While surfing around various umpire sites I came across the following test question; source will go nameless to protect the possible innocents..and, I did not copy and paste, so exact wording may not be accurate, but you'll get the jest of it..
Batter hits a long fly ball down the left field line, F7 catches the ball while his feet are completly in fair territory and the ball is clearly in foul territory, is this is a foul ball?
My answer: FALSE..
The test answer: TRUE!!!
What the??
The explanation given; the fair or foul call shall be determined by the postion of the ball, not the position of the fielder..
Well needless to say, I lost it, emailed the facilitator and vented. I think the test writer/s tricked themselves on this one..
I will go out on a limb and say that any "fly ball caught" is indeed "fair"..as far as any ensuing play/s are concerned.
A ball cannot be foul unless it hits the ground or leaves the field of play, a catch does not hit the ground nor leave the field of play, hence it must be fair... Thanks for listening;
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