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Had a great time, some observations... I hate ties I understand the reasons for them but I still hate them. We played six games three in the winners bracket and never got to play at East Cobb, It seems to me that our host would have made sure to get each team at least one game at the East Cobb complex. I think they could have had the East Cobb teams that play there all the time play at another site once in a while. We had a great time played some very good teams and did ok. Only one loss. And they need to work on the web site....
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Originally posted by williekc:
Had a great time, some observations... I hate ties I understand the reasons for them but I still hate them. We played six games three in the winners bracket and never got to play at East Cobb, It seems to me that our host would have made sure to get each team at least one game at the East Cobb complex. I think they could have had the East Cobb teams that play there all the time play at another site once in a while. We had a great time played some very good teams and did ok. Only one loss. And they need to work on the web site....

I can understand that it's difficult to schedule certain teams at certain fields, but the East Cobb Astros ALWAYS play at East Cobb field #1, so it can be done. Also, we were scheduled to play at 2:00 all three days of pool play, so it didn't leave much time to do anything else (especially with the rain delays). I didn't see any reason to spread the games out 1 per day either since there were plenty of open fields. We didn't even get to play our 6th game. This Tournament could have been finished in 4 days even with the rain, but I guess you take the good with the bad. The fields were great and the scouts were plenty, even the Umpiring was good!

Some very valid points you’ve made. Congratulations to the players on your team for doing so well.

The only East Cobb teams that play their games at the complex are the ones in charge of the fields. They are the grounds crew that prepares the fields in between games and provide security to the complex. They have to be there from early morning until late at night every day.

The people from East Cobb that are in charge of the souvenir stand also sponsor a team. Last year they never played a game in the complex. This year they played one. There are several East Cobb teams that did not play in the complex.

We actually do try to schedule every team for at least one game in the complex. It’s just not always possible. Then with the split pools and rain, it becomes even more difficult to accomplish that.

It is a given… We do need to improve the site! And we will.

Glad you had a great time.
This Tournament could have been finished in 4 days even with the rain, but I guess you take the good with the bad.

Sorry... ABSOLUTELY Impossible to do this tournament in 4 days. It's tough to get it in over 7 days, as most should have noticed.

Please tell me how you would get this (One of the biggest baseball tournaments in history) done in 4 days, even with no rain. A team has to play 10 games if they're in the championship.
Last edited by PGStaff
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger about being able to play at the EC Complex. Our team (from Atlanta) played only once during the 2 weeks of WWBA 18U & 17U tourneys. But I do realize that to get every team there would be almost impossible. What would be nice is that after pool play and your team is in the winners bracket, or goes far in the consolation brackets that they try to get you there. I cant help but wonder how many scouts didn't get to see even my own son perform since there was only 1 at the field he played at. Just 1. I mean, can't the scouts spread out some to the other fields, or are they all afraid that they will miss the next best thing cause it's the "complex"?

The teams are there to win the tournament, but isn't it really about showcasing your talents that week to the myriad of colleges, etc, that are there just to watch?

I'm just venting obviously only because my son is a rising Senior and this is suppose to be the all important summer to be seen.

The umpiring was quite good this year versus last. Thank you PG.
We played at North Cobb three times. We had the same umpires all three times. I know they did six games on Sat. The same guy was behind the plate for all six. I'm sorry but I'm sure he was not as sharp in game six as he was in game one. I saw him throw out two coaches and one player. All of which in my opinion we not warranted. I went to the complex once to check brackets and really think the perfect game people are missing out on a lot of $$$$ by not having each team play there at least once. I probably saved a couple of hundred in bats and shirts alone. It's like inviting family or friends to your house for the weekend and having them sleep in the backyard.
I also just got back - 08son and I had a great time - and really would recommend anyone else who is a rising senior next year go to this event.

PGStaff - You and the rest of your organization deserve a standing ovation for how well you handled the challenging conditions and the incredible logistical challenges. It is an incredible undertaking to have that many teams and that many sites all organized so well.

We had scouts/coaches at all of our games. There were more at the East Cobb games but they were still there at the other games.

Umpires in general were very good.

I agree that the website needs work - I'd suggest having an different site for the active tournment - perhaps without all of the features but with the core content therefore simpler and more reliable. Schedule, standings, directions to the fields are all that we really need while at the event. The other stuff can go up and down but knowing where to go and who to play is "mission critical" when things are that dynamic.

Sorry... ABSOLUTELY Impossible to do this tournament in 4 days. It's tough to get it in over 7 days, as most should have noticed.

Please tell me how you would get this (One of the biggest baseball tournaments in history) done in 4 days, even with no rain. A team has to play 10 games if they're in the championship.[/QUOTE]

Since I never got to see any kind of brackets, I can only go by the 6 game minimum. 148 teams 6 game minimum = 444 games divided by 23 fields = 19.3 games (rounded to 20) per field divided by 4 days = 5 games per field. I am venting a little since we were jacked around a couple of times, but I do realize to undertake this size of an event is a monumental task and with the rain it must have been even more difficult. But, with that being said I would have much preferred to have played 2 games in one day in the beginning of the tournament than wait until Sunday to play meaningless games, so to speak, and have parents miss another day of work. The Championship teams would have been involved in only 159 games including the Championship. I realize you wouldn't want to squeeze all of those games into just a few days, but without rain it could have easily been over by Saturday and leave the Sunday open for the Championship and the Semi finals if needed. There were only 15 games played over the 6 minimum for each team. There could have been a total of 115 games played per day with the last game being at 7pm. However, there were only 74 scheduled on Tuesday, Wed., Thurs., 91 played on Friday, 90 played on Saturday, 31 played on Sunday, 9 played on Monday (not sure what was scheduled for Friday thru Monday since I didn't get to see a bracket or schedule for those days ahead of time). Please don't get the impression I don't appreciate Perfect Game and all that they do, it is a top notch organization. I am just trying to bring some things to your attention that could be done to make it a better experience for the teams. Take them for what you think they are worth.
We had a blast. I'm only sorry my own son is getting to the age when this process will come to a close. The WWBA tourneys are without question the best tourneys in all of travel baseball.

Like many, I would've liked to see our guys get more games at East Cobb, but the only way to make that happen is to limit the number of teams in the tourney more. If you cut the field in half, then those who get in would be at EC more. But then, the other half wouldn't get seen by anybody, eh?

Our experience was that in our first game, we saw only a handful of scouts. Our second game was at EC and our pitcher was brushing up to 90 mph so a lot of guys gravitated to our field for a while. We acquired a following that stuck with us the rest of the week.

I can see it from the scouts' perspective. One of our fields was 30 minutes away from EC. To come see us, they have to lose an hour of their day in their car. Or, they can stay at EC and move from field to field and see lots of folks in that hour. But that just makes it all the more important to get your one opportunity to hook the fish there at EC while you can.

For those of you who're upset, my advice is, get your son on a team heading to Jupiter in October. All the games are at the Roger Dean complex and PG rents out golf carts to help the scouts get around. The biggest complaint I heard from scouts last year was, "I wish I'd've gotten one of those golf carts before they were all gone." Folks, they had 110 of them. I've never seen so many scouts in one place in my life. If you can get there, get there.

But this was still a big event for our boys. Our team was comprised mostly of Legion kids and others who had no inkling this event existed. Parents had their jaws drop at how many scouts followed our games. One of our players got a scholarship offer yesterday -- only two days after our last game!

For those who wish it hadn't rained, well, be careful what you wish for. One year I was at EC and it was 98 all week. (At least I lost some weight that week.) For the amount of rain we got, it's amazing they got nearly all the games in. Congrats to PG on a fabulous event.
Put yourself in East Cobbs shoes. They are the ones keeping up the fields. The whole week you could see their players getting the fields ready for games picking up the trash , performing all the duties around the complex. How in the world would they be able to play at other sites and still be able to do all that they do? The bottom line is if you win you will have the opportunity to play at EC.

The tournement was outstanding as usual. This is a massive undertaking. All those teams all those sites and then dealing with rainouts and rescheduling at the same time. The bottom line is if you have players on your team that the scouts want to see they will be at your games. With the amount of talent at this event someone is going to be at your game because if you do not have a player someone wants to watch the other team will. We had a ton of scouts at our games wether we were at EC or at Kell etc. It was an outstanding tourney as usual. PG thanks!!!!!!
My son played on MidloDad's team, and I echo all of his comments.
I do also want to add to a previous posters comments about the umpiring. Compared to what we get in Northern VA, the umpiring was WAY, WAY better. All 6 of our crews we worked with were very professional, and while not required by any means, were even friendly.
Thanks, PG for a great event! Hopefully, other players from our team will gain some opportunities!

PS...PG, it was a bit frustrating to navigate through schedules and results with the website problems, particularly early in the week.....
Originally posted by Coach May:
Put yourself in East Cobbs shoes. They are the ones keeping up the fields. The whole week you could see their players getting the fields ready for games picking up the trash , performing all the duties around the complex. How in the world would they be able to play at other sites and still be able to do all that they do? The bottom line is if you win you will have the opportunity to play at EC.

The tournement was outstanding as usual. This is a massive undertaking. All those teams all those sites and then dealing with rainouts and rescheduling at the same time. The bottom line is if you have players on your team that the scouts want to see they will be at your games. With the amount of talent at this event someone is going to be at your game because if you do not have a player someone wants to watch the other team will. We had a ton of scouts at our games wether we were at EC or at Kell etc. It was an outstanding tourney as usual. PG thanks!!!!!!

That's why this site is so good, until PG made it clear to me, I had no idea that the players on the East Cobb teams were the ones doing the work on the fields. Now, when people complain to me about them always playing at East Cobb, I can tell them why. I was at the East Cobb Complex last year for a Perfect Game tournament and had a great experience and all of the fields we played on both years have been as good or better than any in our city. We did get to play at East Cobb once, but I didn't really care where we played. My only real complaint was that pool play took so long to get over. The rain caused the other problems and no one could do anything about that!
You have to expect some setbacks, and disappointment at any small tournament, so I'm not surprised by some difficulties at a tourney of this magnitude. I just wish my son had been on a team last year that participated. He didn't get a lot of mound time(1 IP), but I think he made the most of it. He took home the satisfaction of knowing he can compete at a high level, and also, how much work he needs to do to take another step. I wish I had done more research into some of the talent there. It would have made it easier to watch games when your team isn't playing. Great overall experience.
As to the umpires, two fun points.

One, in our last game, the umpire pulled me aside at one point and apologized for missing a strike call for our pitcher. Never have I ever heard of such a thing before. Humility from an umpire? What's next?

Two, Coach May, we had a game at Sprayberry High School and the ump there was still talking about a ball your son hit the preceding week. For the rest of you who've never been there, it's about a 330' fence to left, then a gap, then a retaining wall that goes up about 40' to the street level. Apparently Jeff hit one up on the roadway. Had to be well over 400' worth to get it up there.

Remember, we're talking wood bat here.

Wish I'd been there to see that one -- at least as long as it wasn't against our team!
Also had great time. Worked out well for kids on our team. Had 12 kids, two "pitchers-only" 10 kids got to play all week. Saw one team warming up with 27 kids on the field. Yikes! Six complete games from our pitchers, out of our seven (4-1-2...made the Top 16 Smile). One of the ties was a Sat.night bout with the Champions. Big Grin

Had one kid already offered since getting back. Although "late to the recruiting party", my kid came out with strong interest from at least two D-1' Academic based, one S.E.C. based. Wink.

Re: umpiring...also felt very good, except for the one instance where, after pitcher failed to pause four straight times, a field ump called time (after being made strongly aware from our dugout) and coached the balk. Roll Eyes When asked why he wasn't making the call, he said "Do you want us to call balks all day?"...I said "No, just one should be enough."
micmeister, With all due respect.

Your math might be correct, but the logic just isn't there.

Therte are several week long tournaments with 24-32 teams. Yet you say a 148 team tournament can be accomplished in 4 days.

I don't think you have looked into the process very far. Our schedulers are among the best in all of baseball. How much pitching would it take to play 10 games in 4 days? Each team would have to carry at least 20 pitchers and that might not be enough to get a team through.

These things always seem much simpler for those who are not in charge.

It is absolutely impossible to do a 148 team tournament in 4 days unless it was done at one site. And there is no site in the world big enough to do that. Jupiter has 13 fields and we do a 80 team tournament in 4 days. But it is only a 4 game per team tournament except for the winners. It takes every available time slot to get it in.

If you really can figure out how to do 148 teams, at least 6 games or more each, in 4 days... please let us know. Not with math, but with a real schedule!

Also, when we hold a National level tournament, there is no consideration given to allow time for vacationing purposes. If people want a vacation, they should take a vacation. If scouts and college recruiters have trouble covering a 148 team tournament in 7 days, how much trouble would they have if it were condensed into 4 days?

We don't know for sure, but we think a 148 team tournament is the biggest in baseball history on regulation size fields. Both the 18 & U and the 17 & U were 148 team tournaments (back to back). Right now we are in the first day of the 16 & U and it's only a 104 teams.

I've always found that things seem much easier when you're not in charge. Sometimes I wish someone else could experience these things from our view point. It's not real good if you like to get a little sleep once in awhile.

I'm very interested in suggestions, but please don't tell me you can get a 148 team tournament with at least 6 games per team, done in 4 days. There's much more to it than just the math.
Jerry and the rest of the PG Staff

Once again weather wrecked havok and all went well. We played 5 games and had recruiters at everyone. Never got a game at the complex or in the neighborhood but oh well. Have good players, play well and believe me they will find you.

2 years ago we were there for the 17 and 18's and had about 7 days of rain combined. This year was easy.
Despite the rain - my wife and son had a great time - once again.

Lots of very talented teams - and lots of baseball.

I have no idea how ANY staff can keep track of rearranging that many games - with that much rain - on that many fields - and still have it turn out to be another great tournament.

IMO - Dont worry about the fields you play on - or anything else.

Just hit it - catch it - pitch it and run real fast.

Then - when it is all over - go home - and have some cannoli.

Last edited by itsinthegame
Originally posted by PGStaff:
micmeister, With all due respect.

Your math might be correct, but the logic just isn't there.

Therte are several week long tournaments with 24-32 teams. Yet you say a 148 team tournament can be accomplished in 4 days.

I don't think you have looked into the process very far. Our schedulers are among the best in all of baseball. How much pitching would it take to play 10 games in 4 days? Each team would have to carry at least 20 pitchers and that might not be enough to get a team through.

These things always seem much simpler for those who are not in charge.

It is absolutely impossible to do a 148 team tournament in 4 days unless it was done at one site. And there is no site in the world big enough to do that. Jupiter has 13 fields and we do a 80 team tournament in 4 days. But it is only a 4 game per team tournament except for the winners. It takes every available time slot to get it in.

If you really can figure out how to do 148 teams, at least 6 games or more each, in 4 days... please let us know. Not with math, but with a real schedule!

Also, when we hold a National level tournament, there is no consideration given to allow time for vacationing purposes. If people want a vacation, they should take a vacation. If scouts and college recruiters have trouble covering a 148 team tournament in 7 days, how much trouble would they have if it were condensed into 4 days?

We don't know for sure, but we think a 148 team tournament is the biggest in baseball history on regulation size fields. Both the 18 & U and the 17 & U were 148 team tournaments (back to back). Right now we are in the first day of the 16 & U and it's only a 104 teams.

I've always found that things seem much easier when you're not in charge. Sometimes I wish someone else could experience these things from our view point. It's not real good if you like to get a little sleep once in awhile.

I'm very interested in suggestions, but please don't tell me you can get a 148 team tournament with at least 6 games per team, done in 4 days. There's much more to it than just the math.


Like I said in my earlier post, I was venting and exagerated some and wasn't really thinking about all of the angles. After I sat back and thought about it, I realized that getting the Umpires for that many games would have been a nightmare. The 7 days didn't bother me except that I would bet many teams don't stay for the last game or two if they aren't in the Championship. That part could be changed if the pool play got over quicker and the consolation bracket was done in 5 days total. The round of sixteen and the Championship pool could be kept at the 7 days since they would be playing more games. Look, I've said many times since my first post that you guys do a great job. If I would have had to run two 148 team tournaments back to back, I'd be ready to blow my brains out. Good luck to you guys and keep on doing great things!
Like I said in my
Originally posted by PGStaff:

I apologize for being a bit touchy. We are not perfect, but we want to be. I've related many times about just how paranoid I am.

Sometimes feel like one of those Mexican Pinatas, if you know what I mean.

Thanks for the kind words. And the suggestions.


This is why I'm so well loved. I can take an obvious nice level headed person and have them ready to beat my brains in with just one sentence! Please, be assured that I have talked Perfect Game and it's staff up to everyone I have talked baseball with in the past year and will continue to do so for at least another year. If I had a nickle for evey time I spoke before I thought something through and looked at it from other's perspective, I'd be one rich S.O.B. instead of just an S.O.B.!

Take care!
MidloDad, Jeff hit it the week before playing in the 18u tourney. It is the longest ball I think I have ever seen him hit wood or metal. It actually landed in the freeway in the back of a pickup truck going down the road. The kids on the team started calling him Freeway May. One of the local guys said it was the longest ball they had ever seen hit at the field. One of the umpires said a PG guy estimated it at 450 feet. I dont know but it sure was a blast.

I would like to say that PG puts on the best tourneys in the nation hands down. The quality of the competition is unmatched. The umpires were outstanding.
Actually it would be pretty easy. 24 hours a day and plenty of arm injuries would get the job done. Roll Eyes

Actually I didn't think the original post was anything too bad and as an observer I took it as some mild griping and in a tournament that size there's always going to be justification for a little griping.

Anyways you ended up with a lot of compliments as a result and that doesn't always happen in a big tournament so it all ended up pretty positive.

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