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As some of you may recall, my husband was diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer this summer. He is 40 years old and we have 4 sons! The cancer had spread to his liver and bones. Today the doctor called to tell us that the cancer in his liver is in complete remission!! And the bones appear to be repairing themselves. We have had so much support and prayers from our friends and family even some of our hsbbw friends. It has been truly amazing. He still has a long way to go but I am soooo excited. I am sharing with everyone!!! God is good! (yea, I know that is touchy but doggone it, I believe it to be true!!!)

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Originally posted by BBfam:
As some of you may recall, my husband was diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer this summer. He is 40 years old and we have 4 sons! The cancer had spread to his liver and bones. Today the doctor called to tell us that the cancer in his liver is in complete remission!! And the bones appear to be repairing themselves. We have had so much support and prayers from our friends and family even some of our hsbbw friends. It has been truly amazing. He still has a long way to go but I am soooo excited. I am sharing with everyone!!! God is good! (yea, I know that is touchy but doggone it, I believe it to be true!!!)

Hello Ladies! It has been such a long time since I have been back to HSBBW so I thought I would update. My dear husband passed away at the end of August. The activity we thought was bones repairing themselves was actually the cancer going crazy (though the liver never did get anymore cancer).

It was a crazy summer and we were blessed beyond measure with so many great memories. We got to go to Arizona to watch two of our boys at the USA tournament. Watch (on line because he was too ill) our 14 year old at the USA trials. Were given a gift by the Jack and Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation that flew our family to Atlanta, meet the Braves, stay with the Nationals at the hotel, and watch Strausburg pitch. It was a baseball family dream trip.

Tomorrow I will be taking my oldsest to Az for the Fall Classic to begin the exciting part of recruiting. A time my husband was so excited to be part of. I know he will be cheering my son on from above with the best seat in the house. Bittersweet for sure.

I wanted to thank you all for your prayers and support. They were certainly felt. We were lucky to have such a great man in our lives.
A few years ago my son played with BBfam's oldest son at the AZ Fall Classic. I was in the hotel one morning for breakfast when this young man came and said "hello, how are you this morning Mr. ...." I replied "great, thanks for asking."

A long story short it was BBfam's son who had never met me, but obviously recognized my "NC" hat just being polite and saying hello. It did not go unrecognized by me and I remember telling his coach how impressed I was with a young man doing what he did at that age.

Obviously he was raised by a good Mom and Dad!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family!
I'm so sorry for your loss and may the comfort of God help you during this difficult time.

•What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget

BBfam, back in February you said...
    "God is good! (yea, I know that is touchy but doggone it, I believe it to be true!!!)"

Your statement is true. How do I know? Because of your more recent statement...
    "We were lucky to have such a great man in our lives."

There is a reason why your husband is great. You know, your boys know, and your husband knows. God is good. And God has blessed your husband with a sterling legacy. A cherished legacy. A legacy that your husband worked hard to produce and a legacy that he very well deserves.

It is so good to read that your family remains a BBfam. Your husband certainly would not have it any other way.


I'm so very sorry for your loss and will pray for your family. At the risk of offending the "pc"crowd, I'm delighted your family is one of believers and I take comfort knowing that the baseball-loving dads in Heaven, such as my dear friend Jeff Taylor and many more, have another guy they can talk baseball with. I don't know how the next world operates, only that I believe when Scripture tells me it's beyond anything I could comprehend, and I pray all of your sons will take comfort in knowing how much pure joy they brought into their dad's life, both in their baseball successes and in their not-so-successful times, when having the loving family waiting is one of the great blessings we enjoy.


Our most sincere condolences on your loss. We are never prepared to lose a husband/father/friend. Patriot son has had the pleasure of playing with your son on several teams. As stated by Warningtrack not only is he a good ball player but a welcome teammate in the dugout. Our children truly are a reflection of their parents.

May God give you comfort in the days to come. I shall be sure to cheer for both teams when we our high schools meet in 2011 on the field.
So sorry for your loss. You and your boys were blessed to have a great man in your lives even though cut short, the foundation was laid for your boys. May God's grace bring comfort to you all.

Even though BBfam's husband's colon cancer was a confounding diagnosis for such a healthy man---please get that colonoscopy when the Dr. orders it.
Its's not that bad...could save your life.

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