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For box scores/results, it's either the coach (or staff member), or someone he's designated to do so. The DMN will ask certain security questions to verify whether they're authorized.

Now, that doesn't mean that any of these folks can't be referred to as "yahoos."

Game stories would likely be only from the news staff (of the publication) or otherwise trusted sources.
The coach is "supposed" to call in/email scores to newspapers. Most of the time it is the winning coach that does it though I think it is the responsibity of the home team no matter what the outcome is.

I have come across coaches that do not call in scores or stats because they feel it gives their opponents an unfair advantage in regards to scouting them. I don't think there is any rule stated anywhere that "requires" the coaches to do this.

I know this is frustrating to some of you. I has been frustrating to me in the past. I know that if I had spent thousands of dollars getting my son "trained" in baseball I'd want to be able to read his name in the paper. Don't know what the solution is here. Where I'm from, the local newspapers do a great job covering the games so the coaches don't necessarily have to do the reporting.

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