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Forgive me for rambling, but I just wanted to share this experience with everybody, because the anticipation of going to the 1st pro game with my son, just the two of us, lived up entirely to the expectations!!!

My son just turned 4 about two months ago, and we went to the Louisville Bats/Toledo Mud Hens game on Saturday here in Louisville. Though neither team was the Pawtucket Red Sox, I wore my Red Sox t-shirt and hat, and he wore his Red Sox hat. I'm a native Bostonian, and I've been able to teach him that A is for apple and B is for Boston Red Sox.

Anyways, we arrive at the park and the signs on the ticket window say "Standing Room Only". Now, I am an associate scout w/ the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, and I have never once abused the priveleges that I have w/ free admission to games, food, or anything. I have too much gratitude for what they let me do. However, circumstances being what they were, I pulled out my Scout ID card and asked for a favor for the 1st time. The woman behind the window told me to show it to the guy checking tickets, then ask the woman at the top of the section what they could do. So I did, and bless their heart they put us in the front row right behind home plate for my first pro game with my son!!!

Anyways, the people in our section immediately take to my son, as he starts telling them all how his favorite team is the Boston Red Sox and shows them all his and daddy's hats and daddy's t-shirt. In the 4th inning, a couple a few rows behind us got engaged on the jumbo-tron.

In the meantime, my son has been standing out of his seat cheering his 4 year-old head off for both teams. A player from the Bats comes over to him in the 6th inning and gives him a game ball!! While that was wonderful, my son was to worried looking down the tunnel behind home plate trying to figure out where the fuzzy purple mascot went to care too much about the ball. Believe me, I thanked the young man endlessly because it was totally unnecessary.

In the middle of the 6th inning they played a movie clip from the movie "Madagascar" on the jumbotron where all the animals sing and dance to some hip hop song that goes "I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it." Well I guess my son has seen the movie 1 too many times because he gets up in the aisle, starts singing the song and dancing. I could have burst with so many emotions watching my son, I just didn't know which one to pick!! Happiness, pride, hope, joy? I managed to keep it together for the most part and got a big hug and kiss out of him after his karaoke show for the stadium.

Finally, in the 8th inning the bat-boy for the Louisville Bats was a beautiful Golden Retriever who would sit between his trainers legs next to the dugout, then run out, retrieve the bat, and bring it back to the on-deck circle after each at bat. When the dog's half-inning of work was done, he exited w/ his trainer through the tunnel next to our seats. The trainer had the dog stand on his back legs on the railing next to our seats, and while my son rubbed the dogs head, the dog proceeded to lick his face off while my son is laughing his head off!!!

I want to put this out there for everyone to read, as I'm sure you all have had the same type of experiences. I can't thank the Louisville Bats, the player who gave him the ball (and I didn't get his name...I know, shame on me), and the Golden Retriever for giving me a night with my 4 year-old son that I will never ever ever ever ever ever forget.

I love this game.
---------------------------- "God, I just love baseball." -The Natural
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Enjoy it.
Nothing beat's it in the whole world.
Took son to first game, in the old Kingdome in Seattle.
Old Kingdome? I watched them build it!!
Anyway early 90's, Griffey's still the Kid.
And they were playing the Star Spangled Banner as we were going up the ramp into the Domed Stadium.
Just as they finished the Anthem, and my Son was in full view of the field.
They blow off the Firework's at the inside Top of the Dome.
Talk about a wide eye kid.
It was fun, and never want to forget those day's. EH

What a wonderful post! Big Grin You have sure given me some smiles. You will have so many more fun baseball times with your son, but I agree that both of you will never forget that one.

My husband and son made a road trip a few weeks ago to take in a minor league game in Iowa and then a Royals game in KC, just Dad and his boy, and I bet it still felt almost the same to them - though son is now 6'4" and 20 years old, so he would really attract attention doing the Madagascar karaoke show in the aisle.

Thanks very much for sharing this fun story!


Originally posted by TSfan:
... my son was too worried looking down the tunnel behind home plate trying to figure out where the fuzzy purple mascot went... in the middle of the 6th inning they played a movie clip from the movie "Madagascar" on the jumbotron where all the animals sing and dance to some hip hop song that goes "I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it." Well I guess my son has seen the movie 1 too many times because he gets up in the aisle, starts singing the song and dancing. I could have burst with so many emotions watching my son, I just didn't know which one to pick!! Happiness, pride, hope, joy? I managed to keep it together for the most part and got a big hug and kiss out of him after his karaoke show for the stadium.

I love this game.

And so do I.

Your son had a ball...he's on his way to becoming either a major league player or major league mascot!

Very nice story...thanks for sharing it!
TSfan, it is posts like yours that keeps me coming back to this site. Awesome! My fondest memories are with my family hanging out in the bleachers, chasing home runs and bullpen autographs. cry Is this game great or what………????? I played hooky today to head out to some 100 degree field nestled between corn and soybean fields in central Illinois to watch the “boys of summer”. Mrs. Smokey thinks I’m out of my mind. crazy

Oh BTW… “C” is for the World Champion Chicago White Sox!

GO CHANTS!clapping
GO RIFLES! clapping
Last edited by Smokey
TSFan - thanks for sharing that story! It was a delight in hearing about your son's adventure! May you have many more blessed days with your children at the park!

We actually have a couple of MLB trips planned for next week. Although my children are 16 and 19, we're looking forward to it with the same excitement we had when they were 6 and 9! Can't wait for some time at the ballpark!
TSfan ...

Wow ... what a great memory maker for you and your son. I had fun just reading your story. Thanks so much for sharing it.

I honestly believe that the minor league gamess are much more entertaining than the major league games when it comes to fan involvement etc. Nothing like a great mascot whether he be purple or green or yellow or red. The minor league players are still in touch with the kids in themselves enough that they can understand the thrill of tossing that ball to a little tyke in the stands.

Here's hoping you have many more of those stories to share and relieve in the future.
And I want to put this out there for a lot of you. As I read through the posts and start figuring out who's kids are who's, I must say that I recognize MANY of your son's names from my time coaching and recruiting. Congratulations to all of you in your son's successes! No doubt they are a product of their upbringing!

Can you imagine the talent and moral character of that team? The HS BASEBALL WEB DREAM TEAM!!!! Taking on any and all comers! Keep it up everyone!!
Thanks for sharing! I just got back last night from 3 days in Michigan watching little Fungo, InfieldDad's son, and their Lugnut teammates play three games and the "kid" involvement was tremendous. Like FBM says the minor league system puts a lot of emphasis on the younger kids. Sunday the Jumbotron had all the home players dressed in action figures costumes (digitally enhanced) and after the game the young kids were allowed to run the bases and just hang out on the field. Every player was autographing everything from hats to bats and even autographing some of the fans bodies.
Good move TSFan. And a good post too.
Last edited by Fungo
Speaking of infielddad, I need to say that the time I spent watching his son perform day in, day out, the consistent even-keeled approach of his play, and his desire to step up and be the perfect mixture of Big Papi and Jason Varitek whenever our team needed it has given me the model that I turn to when I go to coach the 15-18 year olds now. I want to post a "thank-you" to infielddad for everything. Summer leagues, conversation, dinners. No question that a large part of the success our teams were surrounded with was due to the support of the parents, and they just followed his lead!

I look forward to seeing both of you soon here in Louisville as the guys move up to the International League w/ Syracuse!!!
Been away from the HSBBW site for awhile, Frown , so I need to catch up some.
TS, it is hard to imagine it has been 4 years since I saw you and your son last. Pleased you are doing so well, scouting, enjoying Louisville and most of all enjoying your family.
Also, thanks for the nice words about #2(#4) for the remainder of this season I think. While I didn't think it possible, I have even more admiration for his mental approach. He teaches me every day and I can't wait until the end of the month to be in Lansing to hug him.
I really agree with all the posts here about the fan value of minor league baseball. What it has to offer a family and younger children through teenagers can be outstanding. The MWL has many outstanding facilities where you get terrific baseball, great surroundings and environment and players who love to spend time with those in the community who support them(most days Eek).
Finally, Mrs. infielddad had the great pleasure last weekend to meet and talk with Mr and Mrs Fungo. She said Fungo is just a delight and darn nice person. Josh is having a terrfic year in Lansing and I have my fingers crossed he can finish strong because this is when catching really wears on a player. Josh seems to be performing better as the season progresses and organizations notice that in catchers.

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