Hi, everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster here. My boys are 13 and 10, both baseball phenoms (in my eyes and their father's eyes, anyway
). My 13yo will be a freshman next year; my 10yo is a 4th grader.
The collective wisdom on this site is so incredible, and, in my case, an answer to prayer: Coach isn't being "fair," should I speak up? What should I do? I know, I'll go to the hsbaseball web forum. And, here it is.... the answer. Keep my mouth shut and get over it. Help my son to use the experience to fight even harder. Smile, and stack up chips
I'm upset over a little "daddy ball" that's going on with my younger son (this, after the coaches went out of their way to tell us how they don't play daddy ball). Your posts are helping me calm down and affirm that my instinct to keep my mouth shut is the right one to follow. After all, if the daddy ball continues, this fall we can always check back with the other three teams that wanted him. Am I right?
I know a good baseball mom keeps her opinion to herself. I've been disgusted over the years with the mouths of some parents, especially the ones who never lift a finger to help, but sure do open their mouths to complain. So, I've always made it a point to stay out of the coach's business.
Side note - it seems that karma bites these daddy ball coaches in the b___ eventually. My oldest son played for a coach for several years whose son was ALWAYS the ss; my son was utility. I always thought 13 would be a better ss, but wouldn't dream of saying that out loud; besides, 13 was learning to play every other position which could only help in the long run, right? Well, this year, that coach's son is playing on the same tourney team as my 13, and that coach is not coaching for the first time. Guess who's playing ss and who is not? Yep.