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I'm not much of a controversial figure and my sports opinions are seldom hot. But Blake -- if you read this message board -- you don't need this kind of "help". Your future in baseball is as secure as it can get at this stage in your life, but every little controversy could be costly. It sounds like you support your teammates -- that's what we all like to see. I hope you continue to distance from this type of....."publicity".

Consider ditching this "help"

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This brings to mind the EXCELLENT advice in the story, "You Never Know Who's Watching", which can be found here on hsbaseballweb.

My initial thought on the "article" was "How audaciously arrogant!".
Someone needs to rebuke that "author", & shut down the "newsletter". If the brother wants to write a personal diary, fine. But he certainly didn't do Blake any favors for this kind of "support".
Quote from Ray Darwin, the director of the U.S. Junior National Team... said there is no need for a newsletter.

"I can't think of a reason for calling out his teammates," Darwin said. "That's absurd."

How about his mother taking care of that?

Michele Beavan said. "You can't expect everyone to evolve because of the training and practice he's had."
Last edited by baseballmom
If that is indeed a comment from Blake's mom -- who posts here -- I must be missing something. Is she comparing her son's talent to his teammates' state of "evolution"? I think I'd like someone involved in this situation to say, "that's baseball".

Unfair things happen to pitchers at times. Other times, they pick up W's despite sub-par outings. One way to avoid a defense's relative lack of evolution is to leave them in the dugout. On at least one occasion this year, Irving wins anyway. Well....if the catcher shows up. Smile

Let me say.....I see no evidence to support the idea that Blake is upset with his team or his teammates. No one in this thread has implied that he is not a team player. His brother claims he reacted out of frustration. Ok, I can live with that....people make mistakes. I think the idea of this newsletter as a marketing tool is somewhat comical. The area scouts on Saturn's moons know about this kid -- now they know a bit more about his family.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Yes, I know who wrote it, as I said in my first post.
Subsequent posts quote things said in the article that PD linked to start the thread.
Just kind of arrogant, imo.
I agree with Ray Darwin, too.
I've never known amateur athletes to have a "publicist"...outside Olympic skaters or possibly gymnasts, particularly a family member.
You know if Beavan would quit striking everyone out maybe his infield could get some work during the games... Come on Blake, throw more groundballs for pete sake!! Wink

All kidding aside, I believe his brother just used bad judgement calling these other players out. Like PD said above. Pitchers get W'S sometimes when they dont deserve them and get loses when the throw a 1 or 2 hitter.. It's just baseball..

Blake probably should tell him to stop writting his little news letter.. He doesn't need any publicity.. The kid is a great player.. JMO
Originally posted by baseballmom:
I've never known amateur athletes to have a "publicist"...outside Olympic skaters or possibly gymnasts, particularly a family member.

Yea, your right especially skaters. Reminisant of the quality of help Tanya Harding received from her husband several years ago. It did not do much to help her career.
Last edited by BAAAACK
How many of us have come home and complained that our little baby would have a better outcome pitching if those stinking fielders would make their plays...or if the if those lousy hitters would hit better and give run support...or if that horrible umpire had a consistent strike zone (well that one may apply Big Grin).

Emotions can run high immediately after a game (loss), and that appears to have happened here. The difference is we complain at home and it ends. BB's brother happened to put in writing before he had time to think it through. And that appears to be the only difference in this situation, and a thousand others across the country every day.

The newsletter is probably a bad idea, but give them a break. The only reason this is an issue is that BB is about to be a multi-millionaire. When that happens, I am sure he will get roasted by fans who don't think he is pitching well enough to suit their tastes. Until then, this is a non-issue.
The difference is we complain at home and it ends. BB's brother happened to put in writing before he had time to think it through. And that appears to be the only difference in this situation, and a thousand others across the country every day.

BB's brother didn't "happen" to put it in writing. According to the DMN this is a newsletter that he has been putting out all season. Why does a high school player need a newsletter in the first place? All it is going to do is cause BB problems. BB's brother played college baseball and should know better than anyone that this doesn't help. As far as him being a "multi-millionaire" goes, these types of things will cause him to end up being closer to a "millionaire". I am quite sure that his "advisor" is not pleased with this situation at all.
Personally I think a newsletter for a player with BB's type of talent is a bit in your face.

Why would a player of this caliber need something like this? If big brother is so impressed with his younger bro then why isn't it good enough to just attend his brothers games, clap loudly and smile proudly and let the press report on the accomplishment?

It isn't like his stats, his performances locally/nationally and his high profile haven't been enough to get him attention.

Poor judgement and poor taste and hopefully it will send a message out to other proud brothers of "what not to do".
I've seen the newsletter and it is well done....from a technical perspective. It is somewhat gluttonous and unnecessary, but well done. Smile The creator has talent. I understand he has considered newsletters for several other area "studs" -- no need to name names, you all have accurate guesses.

It looks like the world is good again. BB returned to his winning ways last night and the Tiger defense was errorless. I wonder is his coach believes in 1-game or 3-game series in the playoffs. Smile

Just when did this newsletter seem like a good idea?

I will enjoy following BB's professional baseball I follow Bankston and Young or Kershaw or Sulentic or Italiano or Ridener. My 15 yr old freshman grounded out sharply to SS (another pro named Kelly) against a kid throwing 97 on the radar gun that day (Italiano) -- it was a cool experience. Smile It will be fun to watch for this kid's name on draft day (a short wait) -- and to follow his move through the ranks. I truly believe that his brother wants the best for him.
Hello HSBW posters!

I have been so buried in the "books" (baseball and accounting) and "senior" things that the last few months have almost been a blurrrrrr. But I happen to get on here today to see how everyone did last night etc.

Wow, I want to thank all of the "Positive" remarks that were said about Blake. He will really appreciate that!

As for the negative ones well you will always have those, so I thought I would go ahead and try to shed some light to some of the open ended questions.

Blake's brother Steven, who yes:
1) is extremely talented and creative
2) played college baseball
3) very passionate
4) very trusting
5) and yes very naive to the press as we are all in our family finding out. They don't even quote you correctly!

This "Newsletter" began this season as a "Family" newsletter that Steven created about his baby brother to keep them up to date on Blake's progress this year in his final HS season because so many do not live in the area, but this would allow them to have a game summary, pictures and future information that a 1 line box score can't give you in the DMN. Well, after last's Sat. game big brother made a mistake (as we are all human) and forgot to have the newsletter verified and proceeded to send it out and the DMN went "off" on it trying to call anyone to try and stir up stuff and boy do I mean stir up stuff! In fact the same guy who wrote the article was at the game last night to personally apologize to Steven because he said; and I will quote him "I feel like I threw him under the bus".

But with no more explanation needed, BB is just fine, so are the Irving Tigers and so is big brother.

Ending on a positive note; thanks again for the positive comments!
so, "family" includes the media?

From DMN,
The newsletter, called The Beavan Bandwagon, was headlined "The One Man Show" for the April 17 edition. Fritz sends his newsletter to area and national media outlets as well as directors and coaches of the U.S. Junior National Team....

Michele Beavan said. "You can't expect everyone to evolve because of the training and practice he's had."

Like PD said,...
Just when you think you've seen it all...

or, like my grandma said..."There's a little too much yeast in that loaf."
Last edited by baseballmom
Originally posted by TigerParent:
In fact the same guy who wrote the article was at the game last night to personally apologize to Steven because he said; and I will quote him "I feel like I threw him under the bus".

I don't think he threw him under the bus.......I think he threw him under the bandwagon!! Big Grin Just kidding of course.

This kid has some kind of future!
Last edited by Old Pitcher

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