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I would hope if this post crosses a line it is only closed, not deleted.

In the Heimlich thread you posted this...

>...or maybe its about knowing a victim or two of a similar crime and understanding the lifetime impact of it.  Or about having run across a perpetrator of such a crime and understanding that it likely never stops....

Frankly, the "wow" is on you for making the comparisons that you did.  You show little to no understanding.<

So I show little understanding of what, sexual abuse? You are correct. But let me tell you what I know about abuse in general.

For the time I can remember my days were filled with my mom telling me how much she hated me.

How much she wished I were never born.

How she was going to kill me one day. Even cut articles out of the paper of stories of parents who killed their kids and told me she was going to do that to me. Let me ask you, do you know what its like to come home after school at around 8 or 9 years old and find a newspaper clipping tacked to the wall of a mother who stabbed and killed her son and understand full well why it was there?

Have you ever had your mother push you down a flight of stairs onto a concrete floor?

Where you, as a young child, ever scared to walk home after school because you weren't sure what was going to happen to you once you got there? I wasn't sure I was going to live through the end of the day.

I won't go into the beatings I got at the drop of a hat. Daily...

Sexual abuse sucks I'm sure. But maybe it's not the worse thing that can happen to a child.

And for the record, no I've never been to therapy. I was somewhat relived when my mom died when I was 12. I've never touched my kid in anger and choose a wife based on how good of a mother she would be.

And nothing anyone says to me, in person or one a forum, can hurt me.

Last edited by SomeBaseballDad
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"Sexual abuse sucks I'm sure. But maybe it's not the worse thing that can happen to a child.

And for the record, no I've never been to therapy. I was somewhat relived when my mom died when I was 12. I've never touched my kid in anger and choose a wife based on how good of a mother she would be.

And nothing anyone says to me, in person or one a forum, can hurt me."

Dad, in my view, there are no "grades" of worse when it comes to abusing a child.

I am very sorry to hear of the things which happened to you.  I acknowledge you for your courage and  the way you have lived your life, especially with your wife and son.  In my perspective, it is okay to hurt and hurt a lot.  While you may not view your post this way, this poster reads it that you may hurt, and hurt considerably.

In a sense, your post, for me, shows the wisdom of Swampboy's decision to close the thread and manage further communications through the messaging process.  Since I know justbaseball, I can tell you I think it wasn't needed to call him out publicly. In reading your post in the context of RJM's followed by yours, followed by justbb's, it shows, to me, how imprecise message boards might be.



There are all types of abuses brought on children, parental abuse is not uncommon, I cannot imagine any parent doing anything to hurt a child physically or emotionally.

However, I am with INFIELDDAD on this, calling out justbaseball in public is uncalled for, you could have sent him a pm.

This site has lost its direction. Let's try to get back on track, providing fun or informational topics along with help questions should be the goal for everyone.

somebaseballdad - First and foremost, I am so very sorry that you suffered such terrible things. I simply cannot imagine such a horror.  Believe me when I say, you will be in my prayers.

You called someone else out and compared him to Nazis, feeding Christians to the lions and other atrocities.  To me, that was WAY over the line.

I have known victims of sexual abuse as children.  At least one of them attempted suicide as a result.  I don't think its for me to say its worse or not than what you suffered.  They both seem like life sentences to me.  I also know from friends and from reading that sexual abusers (like other child abusers) rarely, if ever, stop.  It often happens because they themselves were abused - and so I say you are a truly unique person given that you haven't turned your own fist on your kids.  That makes you a hero in my mind!!

But the comparison to the other stuff that you wrote - that wasn't appropriate.  Maybe it was just an ill-thought-out post, but there is no good reason I can see for you to call someone who is nauseated by a child abuser a member of the most disgusting group of people the world has ever seen.

I am not offended by your thread nor your post here.  I am sorry I caused you to recall and feel so badly.  I am sure you're a great dad and your kids are lucky to have you.

Last edited by justbaseball

Starting with the first Heimlich thread to the follow-ons, to this one, my heart breaks.  My sincere thanks and appreciation to both infielddad and justbb for their most profound empathy and attempts to see things from someone's else's point of view who also happen to be suffering.  I suspect many of us have suffered from some form of abuse.  I know I have and that is all I am willing say publicly.  I am thankful my parents were good people and it was not at their hands. 

SomebaseballDad - my profound sympathies go to you and others who have suffered abuse.  I think this topic has touched a nerve and I think some of these things needed to be talked about. 

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