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Hey tigerfan -- I see you're not getting any response, which is probably because there are not a lot of JV programs out there comparatively speaking, so there may not be many members on here with experience in this area. I don't either (sorry), but I can offer a couple of suggestions for finding info:

Talk to the coaches who have offered you spots. Ask them about your roster status and about the potential for moving up to a Varsity position, both for yourself and in general historically for the programs.

See if you can get contact info for any current players and talk to them. Try googling a couple of current players from the roster and maybe you'll come up with their myspace or facebook pages, for example. Of maybe you can search for a JV roser from a couple of years ago and then look at a current Varsity roster and see if anyone has moved up to varsity.

As far as JV prgrams in general, use the "Find" icon on the top of the forum page on this site and look for old posts. For example, search for "JV" and "DivIII" and you'll find some threads. Good luck/
Originally posted by tigerfan_09:
As a JV player, how much do they have invested in me?

As for DIII the answer is zero, that's even varsity players. With no athletic scholarships there is no investment in players.

It's been discussed here in the past, that JV rosters are used by some coaches/schools as a way to just get more enrollment at the school since all players have to pay full costs.
I strongly (but respectfully) disagree that DIII schools have no investment in their players. Just because these athlete do not get scholarships does not mean their is not an investment in them. There is still a significant investment of money, time and effort. The school is investing money in facilities, coaches, trainers, etc. The coaches are investing their time and effort into the programs. The series of articles done three years ago or so in the NY Times, which followed the recruiting efforts of Haverford College, highlighted the incredible amount of time and effort that the coaches there have to put into recruiting, being a very selective school academically, with no money to offer the kids who may be getting $$ offers from DI or other programs. All of this work also results in an emotional investment in the kids these coaches have been pursuing for months.

I think tigerfan was probably thinking of more than just a scholarship investment when he asked what type of investment the coaches would have in him as a JV player. I do agree that there has been a lot of speculation on the intent of these JV programs, as to whether they are legitimate feeder programs for varsity. That probably varies from school to school.
I agree that D3 programs have investment in their players. We went to visit a very good D3. My son had commnicated with them for over a year. the JV program for some can be a good thing if your not ready for varsity. I know that they try to recruit hard because a lot of players back out.The coaches my son corresponded with at D3 were some of the most honest and forthright guys we have come across.D3 baseball is good baseball at most schools , I am sure at some just like any division there are some weak ones.
It is tough for them to recruit with no athletic money.
fanofgame I think is right on, if you are on JV you are apart of the official roster and you do spend a year of eligibility. We maintain a JV squad for numberious reasons including: Players not being ready, players being blocked by a Senior but can get AB's, or for some are not at the ability to play at the DIII level. Every program is different, discuss these options with a coach. Most JV's will play other JV's as well as JUCO's in the area. In my area, I don't know of a coach that uses it for numbers. All of the Coaches in this area that have JV, are good guys and use the appropriately, but I'm sure that's not all programs...
Originally posted by shortstopmom:
Thank you VJC Baseball for your post!
Nice to hear from someone " officially " in the know! Smile
Your input here is valued and appreciated.

Not that I'm sensitive, because I'm not, but isn't this post kind of a backhanded slap at anyone not "officially" in the know, making their comments and observations of diminished value or appreciation?

I have seen in the past, where moderators cautioned against this type of post because it seemed devisive, without purpose and tended to cause partison stands on subjects where discussion was a better alternative. JMHObservations
Last edited by CPLZ
I am sorry you took offense to my post.
It has never been my intention here on the HSBBW to " backhand slap " anyone.
I AM sensitive, and it does bother me that you felt that way.
Perhaps a clarification is needed:

If you look at VJC Baseball's profile, it states that he is the Head Baseball Coach at Stevenson University (formerly Villa Julie College) 2003-present.
I was simply excited and happy that a current experienced college coach came on the HSBBW to answer tigerfan_09's question with regards to a DIII offer.

Wouldnt it be awesome for the rest of us baseball parents and players, if more college coaches did this?

My enthusiasm was not intended to diminish or take away the value from your post or anyone elses.
I'm sorry if you took it that way.
Last edited by shortstopmom
To amplify on the issue of eligibility:
For D2 and D3 sports, including baseball, competing against outside competition uses up a season of eligibility. This is true even if the player competes on a club team, provided the school also has a varsity team. (14.02.5 for D3, 14.02.6 for D2/D1)

Apparently, in D1 competing on a club team doesn't consume a year of eligibility.

This could be important to a player who enrolls as a freshman at a D1 school, doesn't make the 35 man roster, and competes instead on the D1 school's club team. He then transfers to a D2/D3 school, where he does make the varsity/JV team as a sophomore. He has used one season of eligibility as a freshman competing on the club team.

A separate issue: I very much encourage the participation of VJC Baseball, not because his input is more official or necessarily correct (although it generally is!), but because we seem to have very few collegiate coaches posting. Readers of this forum have access to a variety of opinions from parents, travel/high school coaches, players, and scouts/facilitators of various sorts. We get very little opportunity to read opinions from the point of view of a collegiate coach.

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