Talk this out for me....
9th grade son made var's but Jv coach ask him to play Jv and he did as Starting picther-Jv and closer for B-team.
This year he made Var's and Jv coach asking him to Catch Jv.
Coaches plan is son play JV catcher and Var's 3rd/4th pitcher ( they have 1 senior 2 juniors 3 sophomore a few freshmen pitchers ). Son is a sophomore. .
Var's Coach said last night " he will get his pitching in on Var games don't worry" I'm worried ,after all I'm a singal Dad thats my job.
Son hasn't been a catcher in years.
Is that going to be tomuch on his arm or legs to do both? Son thinks anything for the school/team, I think where is my place, do i get involed should I make sure he has a days rest after games?
No new kids came out this year as Cather ,new school was built so team lost a few kids. Team only has 2 cathers both 11th grade. My son told me he loves pitching but the team needs him, I'm scared this will lower his chance to pitch next year and may get stuck catching even if he ends up not liking it later on.
My son pitching speed going be hurt by catching or can it help?
He trained with Var's pitchers Wed then ran , But tuesday he trained with Catchers and Monday he was throwing in the bull pin then after his bull pin work he caught 9th graders.
3AAAAA baseball has rules about resting after pitching but is there a rest after Catching? and if you do both should you rest after one before doing the other? Can he be Catcher 1st game ( JV) then pitch some in late game ( var's )?
Throwing breaks down the arm right?
Rest, ice,streching and what helps build it back up?
It seems so ez when I coach LL , and when I coached my son.
Standing back being just fan can be hard.
I'm trying to talk myself into thinking this will all turn out ok.
He loves baseball I love him I just want whats best for him.
Am I over thinking this because work got rained out?
Should I have a Jack-N-coke before I pull my hair out? or is 9:15am to early for drinks?
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