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The post below was originally offered by cpkebaseballdad on May 28, 2007. Some of us thought it was an advertising ploy for these gloves. I thought the post really was just hype and now I realize that I was wrong in assuming that. After corresponding with cpkebaseballdad through a PM I would like to reintroduce this topic so that it may receive the attention and discussion that it deserves.

I apologize for sending that thread off track and now I am stepping away to let that discussion proceed.

cpkebaseballdad's original post...

"During the college preseason, my son's former roommate (son now in the minor leagues with the Nationals) had a pitch hit and break the bones in his left hand. He lost his senior season and possibly a draft, to this injury. Tonight at a HS regional game, I saw a batting glove that would have prevented this injury. This glove is made by Kagepro. The company's literature claims the titanium plate in the dorsal side of the hand will disperse the impact of a 100 mph pitch and yield an impact velocity equivalet to a 19 mph pitch.

I am confident the glove would have spared my son's friend a lost season. Check it out for yourself at"





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Original Post

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Wow! I should disclose more often!

Isn't it glovely Stevie Wonder Boy?

Isn't it glovely?
Isn't it wonderful?
Isn't it precious?
More than ten thousand sold.
I never thought a tough glove could be
saving one as glovely as we.
But isn't it glovely? Don't trade that glove!

Whoops...I said I'd wait this one out on the sidelines...sorry cpkebaseballdad...let the discussion roll!

I'm outta' here!
Nope...nothing fishy going on infidel.

I just came to realize that cpkebaseballdad had a very valid point that was dismissed as hype for these gloves.

There were some indications that this may have been the case, but unlike attempts in the past by others to hawk their wares this particular post by cpkebaseballdad was not an attempt to promote the gloves for profit since he has no financial interest in KagePro. As far as I know the others who provided positive testimonials for the gloves are not associated with KagePro either.

It was a mistake on my part to assume their intentions and after a PM or two from cpkebaseballdad I now know that I was wrong.

So while admitting my mistake I am further trying to make it up to cpkebaseballdad by posting his original thread again.

I do hope that it helps...cpkebasballdad's thread deserves attention. He scolded me and I deserved it...this is the least that I could do for him.

Thank you for your thoughts and concerns for our oldest's a setback for certain, but he should be the better for it after the surgery and rehab. I just hope and pray that his future coach sees it that way as well.

And the A10 is a beautiful plane in an ugly's been around for a long time and that says a lot about the plane.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Woodrow - thanks for the clarifications. This thread has been bumped enough however imo. Members complained when new members were popping up just to seemingly bump the previous thread. It looked phony then. Please let it go - thanks. There was also another thread that is no longer available that was created and bumped by other so-called new members.

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