Originally posted by cannon315:
I also learned of several other players who were just told literally on Saturday, just two days prior to the first day of school last week (yes, 48 hours prior to and upon having just arrived back at school for the Fall semester) that their scholarships were NOT going to be renewed for the year.
By rule, D1 colleges must inform each scholarship player whether their aid is being renewed by July 1. Institutional Obligation. The renewal of institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability shall be made on or before July 1 prior to the academic year in which it is to be effective. The institution shall promptly notify in writing each student-athlete who received an award the previous academic year and who has eligibility remaining in the sport in which financial aid was awarded the previous academic year (under Bylaw 14.2) whether the grant has been renewed or not renewed for the ensuing academic year. Notification of financial aid renewals and nonrenewals must come from the institution’s regular financial aid authority and not from the institution’s athletics department.In other words, either what you learned isn't exactly the whole story, or these players have real recourse available to them. It is possible for coaches to "run off" players, but just cancelling their aid would require a conspiracy at the university generally.