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Phillie in the blanks...KAR_ BO_T.

What in the ell are you trying to say cadDad?...oh...double hockey sticks...those will do!

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S ! to Karl and the caddiest daddy...cadDad himself!

...and I mean caddiest in the best sense of the word!

It just seems like yesterday that the proud cadDad was bringing little baby Karl home from the hospital.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I know this pick is very special because Karl, and his father had to work through some thick preconceived notions about the availabilty of Academy graduates.

I will leave it to the Bolts to pontificate...but along with Karl's wonderful talent and character, and Adad's dogged persistence...

...the power of the HSBBW came in part to bear here with a helping hand from PGStaff who got the word out about Karl's talent and avaiability, late when it seemed as if it would not...

Last edited by observer44

cadKID#1 (now 2ndLT KB) leaves for Clearwater tom'row morning. Then off to Williamsport or Lakewood, NJ (speculation). The following was in the Williamsport paper y'day.

When this all settles with the PTB, we'll let everyone know the entire story. Right now LT. KB is communicating with more stars than in the constellation Orion, and "if I told you the story, I'd have to kill you"... Great experience for a young man.

His dream is playing out... one day at a time...

Thanks everyone for your support and prayers.


Last edited by AcademyDad

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