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When my son was 16, I started bringing knitting with me to his games. I only worked on it before or between games at tournaments -- NEVER during a game.

During games I either just watch, or scorekeep (just to keep myself in the game, not for official stats).

From then on, and throughout the rest of his high school years I brought the knitting to both of his sports (basketball and baseball, to summer league, fall league and, this year, to his JUCO games.

I hardly ever see any other knitters. I was wondering if anyone else is a game knitter?

I have been a knitter since I was about 7, on and off, but I am completely obsessed now. It's very calming and the perfect fit for offsetting my game day nerves.

Any other knitters out there?

~~~~ "There are only two seasons - winter and Baseball." --Bill Veeck
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I don't knit. I had planned on learning how to crochet this winter... but a busy winter and didn't get to it. I will sometime this year though! Smile

I use to do needlepoint many years ago. Then I got into counted cross stich which I still enjoy a great deal. I started this huge "My Old KY Home" years ago! Just seems so hard to find time to do those things. Cross stich involves concentration too... I figure crocheting, I can do while doing other things like watching games, etc.

Laughing here ... I am with you on the grass and dirt; seems that what sticks to my yarn most is seed shells - yuk!

Now that the places the kid is playing are a little nicer (since we're at college facilities) it's not as much of a problem if the ball of yarn falls out of my bag.

Also, now that I only have myself to look after when sitting in the stands (no more younger kids to chase) I have more time. That is, when my granddaughter isn't in tow!

lafmom, you're right, you'll fit in the crocheting eventually.

I also work on those projects when watching baseball on TV with DH. There are definitely projects that are good for car waits and at games and then some that are best done at home.
No knitting for me, I am a crocheter. I haven't had the guts to take my stuff to a game yet, I'm a bit afraid of the dirt, but mostly of my kids teasing me. I used to do yarn, but now I mostly use thread and make doilies and stuff.

I would like to invite any other of you knitters, crocheters, needlepointers, cross stitchers, etc to join the FOLA with me (Future Old Ladies of America)!!
Tried knitting years ago and altho I liked it, my fingers didn't. Turned to needlework instead starting with long stitch, then some embroidery, and the past 15+ years counted cross stitch. My favorite projects are Christmas designs and if I live to be 100 I may not have time to finish all the projects I have either started or purchased. Currently working on a Native American design to go in my spare room with all my Native American artwork and pieces.

I would never be able to take my crafts to a game with me because it takes so much concentration and tho like all of us moms I can multi-task, I have never learned how to keep score and stitch at the same time.

mom of 2 ...

May I bee one of the founding members of FOLA? Sounds like my cup of tea and I am just around to corner of the 'old' portion so it would be perfect.
I love to crochet and knit but havnt yet tried at the baseball field. I get too distracted! However I am crocheting a large blanket for my son (mostly to use up all the bits of wool I have)when I am watching the games on TV. My 16 yr old baseball son started crocheting hats (learned at a ski school) and made over $500 this winter! He is amazing at it and all the HS kids wear them in the winter.

I crocheted a fun blanket for my oldest son years ago, using up those bits of odd wool. That turned out to be a really fun and beloved project but I had forgotten about it until you mentioned yours. I would love to see your pattern/design.

In fact, I would love to see what everyone is working on.

I'm cracking up reading about your 16 year old crocheter... my oldest and youngest both showed interest in learning to knit and crochet when they were little, and both made very basic things and that was the end of that! It's very cool that your son is into that.

As for FOLA, I don't think I qualify now for that group. I prepared for years for it by honing my eccentricities and pasttimes... I am actually able to joint OLA since my "oldness" has arrived and is no longer in the future!!

When my boys were little, I squeezed in a stitch 'n ***** group monthly for one of my mom's night out activity. (I even played rec volleyball softball back then) and then when they got older and had so many more activities than me, I did what so many others end up doing -- quit most of my activities in order to keep up with theirs.

Once they are grown it's fun to resume the old activities and acquaintances again.

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