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Yea, my good friend's birthday is coming up soon, I need suggestions on what to get her. I was gonna go with the Sugarland tickets, but good thing I called her mom first becuase thats what her parents got her. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks, oh and I've been told its a bad bad idea to buy her over. Thanks you all.
"Big D, No E, that's the way it's gotta be!!"
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AK - You've come to the right place! I'm sure you'll get some great ideas here!

First, almost all young ladies like jewelry. You can't go wrong with that and you can spend pretty much what you want from a few bucks to mega bucks. Charm bracelets are nice because one can always continue to add to that.

Second and this is my 16 year old daughter's idea, is a scavenger hunt with a surprise of a picnic and flowers at the end. She suggested clues that end up leading to a nice spot, perhaps a park, where you've got a very nice setup awaiting her.

Girls just like to know that you care and that you put some effort and thought into the gift. Smile
Last edited by lafmom
Yeah I got her a VS giftcard to go inside the paper card. But that really isnt a great present. Its a little tough because we just decided not to go out anymore because we just dont have the time, plus we dont know each other too well. Thats why I'm hesitant on going "all out". But yea I think I'll cook her something, with my limited skills of course haha. Yea and jewelry worked for my last girlfriend, so I know what you mean. Any other suggestions would be great you women, I know you are out there!!
AK - If you've decided to no longer date, I think the gift card and a card is already a very nice gift for a "friend". If you wanted to add dinner in there (especially if you prepare the meal), then that's a lovely present and one any girl would or should appreciate greatly! I don't think you need to worry about spending more money. Smile
I think you've already nailed her birthday to a " T " AKBaseball13.

Sounds to me like you have already put in alot of "t"ime "t"hinking about this ( that shows good character and a sweet heart! )

Then if you were to "t"op that off with a homemade dinner ( dont care if its "t"oast & mac-n-cheese, still shows alot of effort, "t"houghtfulness, & sweet intensions on your part! ) she ought to consider herself a pretty special gal,..having you in her life as a "t"errific " friend "!

I'd say you already have her birthday all figured out!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Well, her birthday isn't til late October. So havent done anything yet. Instead of buying her a bunch of stuff, I'm just getting flowers and a card. But we are probably going to go out to Turnagain Arm (google image search it) and watch the sunset. Maybe I might cook, but dinner out somewhere could happen too. We are still pretty close, I think its just too much for her to have a boyfriend during tennis, but that ends soon. Thanks to all of you for the help, I think less may be more this time though.
AKbaseball,..if I'm correct you started this initial posting on September 17th,..and her birthday isnt until late October? Ohhh myyyy goodness,..not only are you a sweetie,..but a planner too????? Takes alot of kindness to be that considerate. You will be a great catch one day for some young lady!

In the meantime,..I bet you make your mother proud.
Ya made this one smile!!!

Hope things go well!

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