What is leading with my elbow? I always thought it was elbow leading hand at release point, but I was watching some videos and many people did that. My coach tells me every so often that I lead with my elbow. What is it?
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quote:Isnt' it amazing how difficult it is to describe a movement through words?
quote:Originally posted by Catch43:
What is leading with my elbow? I always thought it was elbow leading hand at release point, but I was watching some videos and many people did that. My coach tells me every so often that I lead with my elbow. What is it?
quote:When you are in the balance position with your front leg up...as you bring your hips forward and start your hands down...take your hands down toward the ground and then back up to what I call a scarecrow position, with your throwing hand below your elbow, which is at a 90 degree angle. At that point, raise your elbow above your shoulder. When your elbow is at max height, you will then start your upper body rotation while at the same time bringing your throwing hand straight up as fast as you possibly can (as you're rotating).
quote:Originally posted by Catch43:
Thanks alot for the help, but I didn't give enough info. My elbow hurts most of the time, and I think its because my arm snaps down and it puts too much on my elbow. I don't know how to fix that. Is there any way I can tweak my mechanics so that I actually whip my arm and fire the ball without having an aggravated elbow. Thanks again.
quote:I think this is dangerous advice.
What you are describing are the motions of Paul Byrd and Anthony Reyes, and I don't think it's a coincidence that they have both had shoulder problems (as has Billy Wagner). What this can do is increase the rate and force with which the forearm lays back. While this very well may give you a velocity boost, it can also put a lot of stress on the shoulder (e.g. injure the labrum and possibly the biceps as well).