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Originally posted by Orlando:
The wearing of any given team cap doesn't necessarily mean the wearer is a baseball fan.

Nellie (sp?) fans, for example, wear STL caps.
Craig Sager interviewed LeBron. He said he's a Yankee fan. When he got done stating the teams he's a fan of, Sager asked him if he's a frontrunner.
Originally posted by spizzlepop:
LeBron James proudly wore a Yankees hat to the game in Cleveland last night and his lid got plenty of air time. Reactions?

It bothered some I know but did not bother me.

I think Gammons is completely wrong on this one. He did it simply because he has always liked the Yankees and nothing more imho.
by MCO: Only in LeBron, or in everyone, Bee?
you already know the answer, but I'll take the bait

yes ... tho some are excused for genetic reasons Wink

by TPM: What do basketball players know about being a baseball fan?
Labron gave up hs baseball just before the season began his jr yr Frown

most believe to this day that he was intimidated by the thought of facing our team & lil I'Bystander Wink
Last edited by Bee>
As an Indians fan who has to listen to Yankee fans all day, I was very disappointed in Lebron. Growing up in Cleveland we would watch the NBA on Sunday afternoon. Before the Cavs came to town I loved Bill Russell and was a Celtic fan. As soon as Austin Carr started to light up the Richfield Colisueum I,along with every Clevelander, started to root for the wine and gold. We went through many lean years but not rooting for the local team did not seem to be an option. Kenny Lofton, who has been in so many towns DHL has made a great commercial about him, sounded right this morning when he said, "This town needs a championship" I wish Lebron felt the same sense of civic commitment.

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