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Just have a quick question as this will be our first "go-around" with legion baseball. Our town is having tryouts for Legion, and JR legion at the same time....or immediately after HS tryouts. Is this normal? I would think you would hold off on placement of kids until you see them at the Varsity or JV levels? Do other areas do this?

"Go show your father that baseball." - Sandy Koufax (this is what Sandy Koufax said to me after he signed my baseball and found out I didn't know who he was. I was 12 yrs old.)
Original Post
My son has played Sr Legion for the past three years. This summer will be his last hurrah for Legion. Typically our Legion coach spends much of the HS season scouting and recruiting prospective players. Usually he gives the players a few days to recoup from the HS season, has a few practices and then they play - usually beginning in late May or early June - depends on whether the HS team (varsity) makes the playoffs. Last year the Legion team got off to a late start since the primary HS team went deep into the playoffs (state quarterfinals). Our post can draw from three or four counties (it's very rural here). It's rare he has enough to actually conduct a tryout. We usualy start off with about 20-22 players and he has to be down to 18 or 20 (I forget which) by mid-June.

Again - that's my experience. Other posts are different. Some are playing as early as possible. Others like us wait for the HS season to complete. But once the Legion season gets going it's 4-5 games per week - at least it was for us.

Welcome to Legion ball!

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