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With all the nonbaseball topics v floating around what do we say we talk some baseball.

I see the NY Mets are already starting 2010 in a 2009 mode with the Beltran nonsense. It always strikes me odd that so many players wait until just prior to spring training to have surgery when it could have been done three months ago.

Is Pujols staying in St louis???

What are the Angels doing especially now that Vlad has departed ?
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TR, you know how it goes they get their money and get comfortable and have no worries. It just seems like we see allot of me before team these days, all the way up to the big league level! and (I'm glad we have Vlad!) Hey that sounds pretty good I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I think he will really help the Rangers out this season especially Hamilton. Go Texas Rangers
Playing baseball in St. Louis must be just about as close to baseball heaven as one can get. I'm not sure but don't believe Pujols is a Boras player? He seems like the type of "well-grounded" player, family man, that would take a "hometown discount" to remain there, especially with Holliday protecting him. Who would want to go to New York or Philadelphia and why would you? I know he will want a championship so will be interesting to see this one develop. One would think that St. Louis will be willing to Pony up mucho truck loads of dough to keep him because he fills the seats!

My Braves, on the other hand, are a question mark to me? Yes, the pitching is shaping up very nicely. Although, I would have kept Vasquez as I think he is beginning to figure it out. Lowe is an innings eater but we over paid! Troy Glaus at 1b as the big bat we need...... that's a big gamble!
Frank Wren is in a pivotal year for determining his future ... he best hope things work out and the Braves get to the Playoffs.
Despite a ton of evidence to the contrary (50 plus years on the West Coast and NO championships - uggh), I am forever the optimist when it comes to my Giants. Is it too much to ask for Lincecum to have a third straight Cy Young worthy season? Cain having another All-Star year? Sanchez building on his no-no in "09 and getting more consistent? Zito not being awful? (sorry - I actually like Zito but $126M still leaves a bad taste in my mouth) Bumgarner beating the odds and showing he can do in MLB what he's been doing in MiLB the past couple years? Hitting you say? who needs offense? Seriously though, if Pablo can repeat 2009 (that's asking a lot), Freddy Sanchez can stay healthy, Huff can return to 2008 form, and they get a break out season from one of the youngsters (Schierholtz? Bowker? Posey?), they can certainly win the NL west. If they do make the playoffs - with that pitching - watch out!
Diehard Twins fan. They have definitely addressed the bullpen for 2010. Neshek's TMJ recovery still unknown but could be a difference maker. Anyone know of a budget thirdbase guy? No real No. 1 starter but won't need one till the playoffs. Thank god for the Central Division. My Xmas wish for 2010 is a Gardenhire team that shows some stones in the playoffs. What is everyone's opinion on revenue sharing and capping like the NFL to even the playing field for all the MLB fans? It gets tiring watching KC,Pittsburg, and others forced to act like farm teams for the big boys. Losing Johan Santana was heartbreaking.
I see the NY Mets are already starting 2010 in a 2009 mode with the Beltran nonsense. It always strikes me odd that so many players wait until just prior to spring training to have surgery when it could have been done three months ago.


Is Pujols staying in St louis???

Yep. I don't see him leaving especially now that Holliday has signed long-term. Pujols has everything he needs and/or wants right here in St. Louis. I believe he is deeply rooted here and St. Louis fans love him both on and off the field. The Cardinals are a team that produces year in and year out. I don't know who gets the credit for that or what, but there are years where people don't think the Birds are going to do anything and they go win it all. Other years (2004) they stay hot and fall flat in the World Series, but Boston had plenty to do with that too. I think it'd be a mistake for Albert to go anywhere else..

I love your pitching staff however the Giants still have not dealt with their lack of hitting. They are just not going to get it they are not defensive wonders. crazy Dodgers with all of their dysfunctionality are still the team to beat, they are just too deep 1-8. They will pick up enough arms to get it done mid season They demonstrated that you can win your division with a mediocre starting staff backed by an excellent bullpen. It almost did not matter who started all they needed to get to was the 6th with the game close. Still won't matter for anyone coming out of the West though....1-2-Barbeque


The Angels will come through in the end they have too good of an owner and manager. I do like what the Mariners are doing however and the race in the AL West is going to be interesting with the Angels, Rangers and Mariners.

== Further edit - Thinking about it I belive the Angels have the best combination of manager and owner than any team in the MLB. Who is even close? ==
Last edited by BOF
BOF I thought that the Mariners were making humongous strides this offseason with who they picked up and would be a force...........until they got Milton Bradley. Don't get me wrong as a Cubs fan I'm tickled pink to see him go but I wouldn't wish him onto any team including the Cardinals.

Getting rid of Bradley was the best / biggest move the Cubs made overall.

O ye of little faith...this could finally be a turnaround year for the O's. I'd like to see them take a chance on Bedard-you have to gamble sometimes-but with luck, here's what we have:

An outfield full of promising players, two already on the cusp of All Star status (Jones, who already made it, and Markakis), and Reimold, who would have been a serious Rookie of The Year candidate if up all year.

An all Star at 2B.

The best young catcher in the game, Weiters, bar none.

A hand full of young good-looking arms that got valuable experience last summer.

A great defensive shortstop.

If 1B and 3B can be plugged, and with a little luck, this is a team capable of finally breaking over .500, throwing a scare into the two headed monster to the north, and perhaps finally contending within a couple years.

Or maybe I need to switch to de-caf.
I think Bulldog knows more about Cardinal baseball, but from what I have read and heard, this is a family man who wants to keep his roots in STL while his family is young.
I don't think they would have spent the money they did for Holliday if Pujols was thinking of leaving. They are basically, not big spenders.
Pujols can be a star whereever he goes, and I don't think that more money is his carrot. Winning is and as stated the Cardinals have proven that.
On another note, a selfish one, I hope he stays and I hope that son gets to share the bench with him someday, he already has in a few games and says the man is just awesome.
Once again the Mets come out looking like they don't know what's going on. Seems like they need to revamp their whole medical team and possibly get rid of Omar.

I think it was important for the Cardinals to give Puljos the message that they would keep him surrounded with talent but now the question will be how they can pay so much of their payroll to only two players when they have to resign Albert.
Originally posted by TPM:

Seems like the Mets didn't want him to have surgery right away. IMO they were doing the right thing, at 33 it could be career ending and they have alot invested with him.

...and they wanted to wait and sell a few more tickets. How can you attract pro players to come here when you have the circus in town every other day!
Could be, don't know much about the mets.

However, what happens when the team tells a player to have surgery and it becomes career ending (according to his specific problem nad age it could be), the the player turns around and blames you for forcing the issue? Sometimes I agree, just the opposite takes place, they don't work quick enough.There has to be lots of thought into the whole thing before you have one of your top guys have major surgery and I would hope that is what all teams do.
I guess with Beltran we won't know until he takes the field again. Or, is there a reason why he agreed to do the surgery and not wait?

It is my experience unless something is pretty clear cut, they don't go in so fast when there is the unknown factor.
Just went through this with son, the team surgeon (who had been inside shoulder once before) was pretty relutant to go in again, second opinion with a shoulder specialist showed there was a problem and surgery may help, it was son's decision and the team agreed.

Ironically it was the Mets surgeon who performed the surgery.
Originally posted by TRhit:

Just so you are aware the Mets claim the surgery was done by Beltrans own doctor after apparently talking with the Mets docotor and trainer

Just so that you are aware, I know. the Mets main doc is a shoulder specilaist, and there were questions as to whether he would fully recover from the surgery, I am thinking that is why it took so long to make a decision.

I was commenting to those that think the Mets waited too long, perhaps it was the player who waited ubtil he got enough information to make a decision. It's not as easy and clear cut, especially in his case.
Did the Mets do it again?

Red Sox found Bay's knees suspect
By Mark J. Miller

The New York Mets are awfully proud to have Jason Bay on the roster for the next four or five years. And the Boston Red Sox are apparently feeling fine that he's left New England. Now word is coming from Peter Gammons at NESN that the Red Sox had good reason to feel that way.

Gammons reports that the Sox had actually had a four-year, $60 million contract extension ready to go with Bay way back in July. But then Bay had to take his physical before finalizing the deal and an MRI of Bay got a few doctors asking too many questions about his knees and whether they could take the long-term beating that playing pro baseball everyday provides.

So the team reduced its contract to two years. And Bay, of course, said see you later, alligator, to the Sox on that. After all, if he sticks around for five years in New York, he can make $80 million. If he does, you can bet the Red Sox will be getting their MRI machine double checked. We'll see how those knees hold up.
I honestly think that Jeremy Hermida could surprise a lot of people if he is given playing time in Boston. If he can hit like he did in 2007, then he is a very useful player. He still is just now turning 26, about the age where these guys sometimes give you one or two useful years. He was actually highly touted only two or three years ago. Seems to have some of the JD Drew injury syndrome. You get him for virtually nothing compared to the money that was thrown at Bay. Bay is solid but runs hot and cold and when he is cold like he was for over a month last season, he is virtually worthless except for his good attitude. But I don't feel Bay is worth a 60-80 million contract unless you are desperate like the Mets are.

The Mets however will probably improve this year just because of the return from injuries of some of their key guys alone making a big difference.
Nathan had an elbow cleanup by Dr.Andrews and should be ready from spring training. The Twins had a paricularly brutal August and Nathan had three really tough saves against the Royals. It was clear then he wears down unless it's 2 days on 1 off etc at this stage in his career. Going into the playoffs after the Detroit game Nathan ( and the rest of the bullpen )had to have been less than full strength. I like the mix of players and pitching styles thay have for 2010. Mijares ( 92mph lefty and potential closer of the future), Neshek at near submarine, Rauch at 6ft11in, Guerier ( fastball, curveball )and Crain 2nd year back after TJ surgery, and newcomer Clay Condrey. Can't wait to see how 2010 unfolds.

Go Vikings!
Originally posted by TRhit:
While the Mets do nothing, although the Gary Mathews Jr deal they pulled today could be a good one, the Phillies keep rolling along and getting their players in line

The gap between the hillies and the rest of the NL East seems to be getting bigger

And we welcome Gary to NY! Roll Eyes
Last edited by K Complex

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