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An open letter to parents from a highly respected MLBer.

Mike Matheny Letter to Parents
"I think if you ask most boys what they would want their parents to do during the game; they would say...."
"There are two kinds of people in this game: those who are humble and those who are about to be." Clint Hurdle
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I would get quesy right here ....

My Christian faith is the guide for my life and I have never been one for forcing my faith down someone's throat, but I also believe it to be cowardly, and hypocritical to shy away from what I believe.

I don't want to hear about religion and the team unless it's a religiously sponsored team. Three players and I were thrown out of a dugout and off the team for as non Christians refusing to bow and "pray to our savior Jesus Christ." We were only thrown off the team until the director of the community sponsored program and the town council were informed. At that point the coach was thrown off the team.

I went to a private Methodist school for one year of high school. I had to attend church five days per week. It was known as part of the deal going in to get the education this school provided. I did not have to bow and pray in church. I only had to be quiet and respectful.

I remember our high school football locker room prayers only were directed to God. I don't recollect there being any atheists on the team.
Last edited by RJM
Yup, great letter with lots of good stuff. There is one part I personally don't agree with, though..

"I believe that a little league parent feels that they must participate with loud cheering and "Come on, let's go, you can do it", which just adds more pressure to the kids. I will be putting plenty of pressure on these boys to play the game the right way with class, and respect, and they will put too much pressure on themselves and each other already. You as parents need to be the silent, constant, source of support."

I hate a quiet ball game. Should be some noise and energy from the players and there should be some noise and energy from the folks in the stands. I realize that a lot of that fan noise will not be the ideal thing we would like to hear but I'll still take that over quiet.
You can't even cheer for your kid and his friends? Really?

And while Mac-N-Sietz is a great baseball organization with some of the best youth teams in the Midwest at almost every level, I've seen a number of them and believe me this ain't necessarily their "way." They are all well recruite/funded/coached, but quite and always respectful? No more or less than any of the other high-level travel teams out there.
Not a real fan of the letter.

1. If you feel the need to bring religion on to the playing field that is not OK. If you need to pray before the game, do it at home. If a coach needs to pray and you are not at a religious based school where you signed up for the religion, I am going to bring a live chicken into the dugout with my hatchet to practice another form of religion. Animal sacrifice is an honored tradition worldwide.

2. Coaches come and go. They get a better offer and move on. If you want that level of committment from my family, then I expect it back from you. Mike Matheny isn't with Mac n Seitz anymore is he? I think he took a better offer elsewhere. We would do the same.

3. If you show 10 different coaches the same team, you will get ten different lineups. How do parents and players know which one is best?

4. Not play with enthusiasm? Not watch with the same? That is impossible for my family. We play hard and cheer hard. Guess that wouldn't work.
Good letter to parents I Believe and go along with most of what he said, HOWEVER, I always get a kick out of guys who coach their kids teams and comment that parents should backoff and let coach handle things. I knew a guy who coached his kid on nearly every team he played on thru middle school and would complain about overinvolved parents. Shook my head, bit my lip.
A few things.

--Mike didnt coach with Mac-n-Seitz. Kevin Seitzer was an old teammate so he shared this letter that Mike sent his team. He coached his son Tate here in St Louis. Tate is a 2012 who will be going to Missouri State next year. He is tearing it up this year in high school. If John314 sees this, he can probably comment more on this team.

--There is a fine line on parents cheering. While it is ok for the "lets go", "get a hit" kind of thing, but the "keep your head in", "keep your elbow up", "throw strikes" is not good. I would bet he added this to keep that sort of stuff from being said. I would bet parents still clapped and cheered for their boys.

--Maybe its because I am a "christian" but I never can figure out why a guy being a christian would bother people. He even says he wouldnt push it off on people. He did say he wouldnt shy away from the topic, which I took as he would be willing to talk of his faith if asked. To me, the religious thing is like the parents who felt the need to bring alcohol to games. Or buy alcohol when it is served at venues. I didnt agree with it, but I wouldnt tell them I thought they were wrong in consuming alcohol at a youth sport event.

Based on the age of his son, I would bet this letter was written about 7 years ago. Knowing Mike's reputation here in St Louis, I would imagine he didnt have much, if any resistance on this letter. It didnt hurt knowing John Mabry would be coaching first base for him.
Originally posted by GsKaWa:
I wish my wife would've read this before she call our son's coach. We told her not to though. Mom's still will do whatever the heck they want!

Your negative comments about your wife really don't belong here.
Seems like you two might be in conflict.
For the sake of your son, take care of your issues now.
Tell her to come here and do some reading.

BTW, this is coming from a mom.

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