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Well I'm a junior and as many of you may remember I recently asked about what I should expect to receive after September 1. Well I did not receieve anything after September 1 until today(I had received some preliminary questionairres before). My dream school(a certain D-1 in No Cal known for baseball and academics) sent me a letter. Is this a big deal or not really? Thanks.
"Practice."-Tiger Woods when asked what he would do after failing to make the cut at the U.S. Open. "When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stone-cutter hammering away at his rock perhaps 100 times without as much as a crack showing. Yet at the 101st blow, it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before." mtownfan
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mtownfan - Its a BIG DEAL! wouldn't get that letter if you weren't on their "list."

Now, what do you do next?:

* Return that questionnaire ASAP.
* Write a personal cover letter stating your interest (tell them they're your "dream" school if thats true).
* Sign up for their summer all star camp fills up.
* Stay in touch with them via email or however you choose over the next 9 months.

You're on step 1...I still remember the day my son received THAT letter...I was on the golf course and my wife called awfully excited. Its a process...follow it through and see where it goes.

Good luck!
Last edited by justbaseball
One bit of advice, based on 6-7 campus visits, including a couple of DIs. In many questionaires and always (early) in campus visits, the coach will ask what other schools are interested in you. It is to your advantage to cultivate all opportunities, for two reasons:

1.) When the coach asks, he seeks external confirmation of your "desirability".

2.) Plan B is always good, no matter how much you hope for Plan A.
Last edited by HaverDad
My son also got this letter from the N. Ca school mtownfan spoke of-we have no idea where they saw him or if they got his name from other showcases. The funny thing is our letter had a typo in it. Very complimentary letter in reference to academics and athletics. Know it doesn't mean much but great to see the letterhead...

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