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I saw a couple things here today about whether 8 yr olds should have umps. Every 8 year old game I've done (when I was first getting started) has about 35 umps. They don't wear ump blue; they wear green golf shirts, and pink blouses. They're called parents. Sure, you get some of that on a banger in HS or college, but if you really want to feel some heat, do a 7/8 yr. old game.
The last one I did was about 12 years ago when a friend(?) asked me if I was 'busy tonight'. Naw - whazzup? "Fill in for me, 8-10 yr. olds." Having had my fill, I said no. After begging, I said yes. On top of the parents, all of them, squealing about balls/strikes/out/safe, the second inning went like this: 1st batter is 'johnny'. A parent says 'move closer to the plate'. Johnny scoots up. A coach says 'move back'. Johnny scoots back. ANOTHER coach (each team had 47) says move closer to the pitcher; while another parent says 'move back towards the catcher'. ME: "Time is called - folks, this is a kid's baseball game. Just let the kid alone and let him hit." No more heard from either coaches or parents. Like I said, that was 12 years ago. I'm not puttin' my hand on that hot stove again.
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At one time in my career, I worked any game that was played with a white ball and red stitches....

That being said, Ive never worked a league that used umpires for 6-8 year olds....My first entry was in the 9-10 and 11-12's....

As I moved up, I seemed to drop the lowest level...added 13-14's dropped 9-10's.....added 15-16's....dropped 11-12's......Its been that way since I added some D3/NAIA....

I dont get to do a lot of youth ball any more, there is just too much of a shortage of certified and qualfied umpires for the higher levels that we cant spare umpires on those levels...

I stay in the PONY 13-14 / Colt 15-16/ HS/ Legion/College summer/Semi Pro/Elite Travel and limited D3/NAIA.

I do stay away from Mens Senior Baseball in my area.....
Originally posted by pilsner:
I can't say there's any level that I won't work but I don't tend to do much at the 9-13 level. I followed the usual progression that Piaa described.
Occasionally some will call when they're in a pinch for umps at one of the lower levels and if I can I'll work the game(s).

It's not so much I chose not to work certain levels as it my commitments to other levels.

College games come in threes, usually...a single and a DH. There goes two days. I owe at least two or three days to my high school association working games and another one or two evaluating/training other umpires. That's at least 6 days a week.

During summer ball, substitute collegiate wood bat for college and AAA legion and select travel leagues for hs varsity, and the occasional MiLB fill-in and I have the same basic schedule. There are not enough days of the week to take in a youth game.
I work HS and Legion and some 16U and 18U. As PIAA said, there is just too much higher level ball and not enough qualified umpires so I can stay busy at that level.

I have worked 3 or 4 Youth games, 12 and under at the request of an assignor I do that favor for. When I walk on the field, I often hear comments to the effect of " we have a real umpire tonight". I guess this is because of my uniform, patches, and the way I carry myself. I have had no trouble in those games and to be honest I have fun doing those games. No pressure and everyone including the fans were well behaved. Maybe I was just lucky.
Maybe I need to recant. Last year, working a men's Chicago area game - a league that often sees college level players - this happened:
Runner going to first on a bunt. He is on THE INFIELD grass. Way outta the lane. Ball hits him in the back. I'm in "A" and he's called out. Man - you shoulda heard the protests. One from a patched ump who is the asst coach of this team. Next inning, same team with R1. Grounder to 2nd; runner sticks his hand up to succesfully knock down relay. I ding 'em both. Now I need an escort to my car. So, which is worse: crybaby adults who don't know rules or 8 yr olds? Hey - I still love doing it.
Originally posted by dave0mary:
Maybe I need to recant. Last year, working a men's Chicago area game - a league that often sees college level players - this happened:
Runner going to first on a bunt. He is on THE INFIELD grass. Way outta the lane. Ball hits him in the back. I'm in "A" and he's called out. Man - you shoulda heard the protests. One from a patched ump who is the asst coach of this team. Next inning, same team with R1. Grounder to 2nd; runner sticks his hand up to succesfully knock down relay. I ding 'em both. Now I need an escort to my car. So, which is worse: crybaby adults who don't know rules or 8 yr olds? Hey - I still love doing it.

Sounds to me like you had 3 no-brainer outs (I'm assuming the throw was on target to F3 in the running lane violation sitch). What was the "patched" ump complaining about?

Also - did PU call the running lane violation? It should have been his call.
Last edited by dash_riprock
Originally posted by dash_riprock:
Originally posted by dave0mary:
Maybe I need to recant. Last year, working a men's Chicago area game - a league that often sees college level players - this happened:
Runner going to first on a bunt. He is on THE INFIELD grass. Way outta the lane. Ball hits him in the back. I'm in "A" and he's called out. Man - you shoulda heard the protests. One from a patched ump who is the asst coach of this team. Next inning, same team with R1. Grounder to 2nd; runner sticks his hand up to succesfully knock down relay. I ding 'em both. Now I need an escort to my car. So, which is worse: crybaby adults who don't know rules or 8 yr olds? Hey - I still love doing it.

Sounds to me like you had 3 no-brainer outs (I'm assuming the throw was on target to F3 in the running lane violation sitch). What was the "patched" ump complaining about?

Also - did PU call the running lane violation? It should have been his call.

PU did make the call - but they barked at me more because they thought I should have not allowed/over ruled. They were losing to a team they should have beaten. If you've umped games, you know the mood they were in. The patched ump (I do say that lightly) just didn't know the rule(s). Neither did anyone else.
I umped at a 6-8 year old game at a local park. I thought it was going to be straightforward-balls, strikes, easy out calls- but found it to be very different. I am not a registered ump; at the time I was just 17. However, the parents there were insane. They would yell at me to call strikes louder, call better strikes, among many other things. They would barely let the kids play the game. They were more concerned with winning than letting the kids have fun. It was depressing to see.
Originally posted by johnny appleseed:
I umped at a 6-8 year old game at a local park. I thought it was going to be straightforward-balls, strikes, easy out calls- but found it to be very different. I am not a registered ump; at the time I was just 17. However, the parents there were insane. They would yell at me to call strikes louder, call better strikes, among many other things. They would barely let the kids play the game. They were more concerned with winning than letting the kids have fun. It was depressing to see.

Ignore them. If it gets to the point where they are disrupting the game, have the coach deal with them. "Fans" are not your concern unless they come on the field.
Originally posted by dave0mary:

PU did make the call - but they barked at me more because they thought I should have not allowed/over ruled. They were losing to a team they should have beaten. If you've umped games, you know the mood they were in. The patched ump (I do say that lightly) just didn't know the rule(s). Neither did anyone else.

Sounds like you had a weak partner. If it's my call and a coach wants to complain to my partner, I'm going to intercept him. "That's my call coach. If you have a question, I will answer it." If he insists on going to my partner, he gets dumped on the spot.
Last edited by dash_riprock

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