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I have been using Lexol on my son's gloves for several years. I generally clean and condition his gloves after fall practice is over; then again after his school season ends and then a third time after summer ball ends.

Clean the glove well; give it a day or two to dry out and then put the conditioner on.

Don't forget to clean and condition inside the glove (where your hand goes). It will wear out far faster than the webing.
Also, it is a very good idea to have batting gloves for your son to wear on his glove hand. You'll find the glove will last longer if he does this, as a lot of the salt in his sweat will be captured by the batting glove instead of the cathcers mitt. Having several gloves allows him to keep a relatively dry on in his mitt most of the time.

Lexol is good stuff!
Where's "Gloveman" when you need him?

NP13, The amount of cleaning and conditioning depends on the amount of use and the harshness of that use. The GMP 20 being a catcher's mitt will require much more cleaning than an infielder or outfielder's glove simply because of the environment it is used in and the abuse it takes. Cleaning is at least a weekly task with light conditioning about every month or so ---- I stress "lightly". The main goal is to keep the glove/mitt clean because the abrasiveness of the dirt excellerates the wear of the glove. The conditioner does as the name indicates, it condition the leather. You can over-condition the leather to where it loses it's shape and becomes "floppy". You just want enough conditioner to keep the leather from becoming overly dry and cracking.

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