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My lifting routine during the season conists of a light lift which is if i have a game the following day or my heavier but stll not very intense lift.(if im off the next day)

Light lift:
3x10 bench
3x10 bicep curl
5x10 tricep(nosebreaker)

heavy lift:
5x10 bench
5x10 bicep
5x10 tricep

i am 6 ft 160 my max on bench is 140 any suggestions on how i can improve or add to my workouts?
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What type of lifting techniques do you use? That can make all the difference with moving those bench numbers up. Also, using other exercises than just the bench press to target the pecs are a good idea. They let you get past any plateuas you may reach. There are several lifting techniques that may help though.
Why are you benching and curling so much?

Please don't take this the wrong way, but your "program" will do nothing for performance and, if continued, will lead to a major injury.

There is no need to "strengthen the pec muscles" and more than your already have, unless you have a very severe posterior chain imbalance. That however, is certainly not the case.

You are in HS. You need to develop overall strength and athleticism. Learn the correct technique on squats, deadlifts, cleans, snatches, presses, rows and pullups.

Besides to increase in bench press is done through anterior delt, lat, tricep and leg drive.
You guys all continue to amaze me. At our school we lift 3x a week yearround except for maybe 3-4 weeks. Also, we lift hard. 8 records a week is the goal. We don't lift for a specific sport either, all of the athletes do the same weights program whether you are a football lineman or a female track sprinter.

Also, there is very little difference between our offseason and inseason workouts. In fact, I typically lift weights last period of the day and then go play baseball within an hour.

I think you guys do too much sport-specific stuff.

Regarding the above lifts, I see you do no leg work. Baseball is a lot of lower body stuff. You can't forget about your legs! Squats, deadlifts, cleans, etc
Last edited by Bulldog 19
I'd recommend incorporating corework into the workout, not only will it help with the lifting strengths, it will do numbers for onfield performance. Also, balance out with good shoulder work, you don't want to become unbalanced, it'll take away from your throwing as well as kill your posture. Finally, leg work is important. It's all about balance. Both upperbody to lowerbody, and shoulders to chest.
The program is called "Bigger Faster Stronger"

The purpose of the program is not to develop a football player or a baseball player, etc but to develop an athlete. Therefore the core program is the same for all athletes. Aux lifts differ from sport to sport, but the 6 core lifts are the same.

Here's the cycle we use:

Monday: Box squat and Towel Bench
Wednesday: Hex Bar and Power/Hang Clean
Friday: Parallel Squat and Bench Press

Week 1: 3x3
Week 2: 3x5
Week 3: 5-3-1
Week 4: 10-8-6

If you google BFS, you'll find it's a popular program.

Your program is interesting to say the least.
My personal experience with training required a one to two week down cycle before big competitions. It took that long to feel that I could draw on the "training account" that I had built up. That was particularly true of heavey weight training.
The trainers that I worked with all emphasized a reduction of quantity and increase in quality as competition neared.
Are you sure that your school uses BFS as the program is designed? If your training blows right through the year without cycles I'd be concerned.

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