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At a USSSA game, lots of lightening, parents yelling at ump to call the game. Ump says he was told he would be fired if he called the game! Had to wait and get a hold of tourney director before game could be called. Approx. 1 mile away a man walking along interstate was struck and killed by lightening from this storm. Is this typical during a tourney like this to have to get director permission before calling a game?
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I have a 0% tolerance for flash seen by either myself or my partner clears the field immediately.....there is now a 30 minute clock running.....any flash of lightning will reset that clock back to zero.......

No tournament director can tell me to continue a game in a lightning hazard. I am the one that the rules puts in charge of the safety of the participants....I would also be the one held liable if I allowed the game to continue......

To the point in the OP, I have never been asked by a TD to not call a game based on weather and have never had to ask for permission to call a game period.....once the game is in my hands (as per the rules, and as TR points out) only my opinion counts......

That TD may be able to fire me from that game or never want me to officiate his tourney again, but I can live with that.....qualified, certified and insured umpires are in short supply........I can go elsewhere.........

What I could not live with would be having an injury or death that could have been prevented......
Last edited by piaa_ump
I agree with PIAA 100%. I am in charge of the field and my partner and I will decide whether it is drk or there is lightning. No TD has any say over what happens on the field. I TD many baseball and softball events and I would never intercede on any onfield decision of any kind. I will make a protest ruling in needed but only after the umps come to me.
The TD is an idiot that needs to learn the basics of running a tournament. First he has NOTHING to do with the game itself in any manner once the umps have it. That means rules, mechanics, darkness and weather. The only thing he has to do with the game itself is rule on a protest and get rid of unruly participants that have been asked to leave. With this guy lets hope there isn't a rule question or there could be trouble.

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