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i think it is hard not to get caught up in listening to other parents talk. i really do try not to and just think about our son's situation. but i was talking to a mom who was going on about how her son is getting calls from D1 coaches, and how the coaches really want her son bad. both our sons are the same age, 2012. can the coaches do that already? if so, how can i get them to call our son. lol.
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College coaches (D1 and D2) can't call until July 1(D1) following a players junior year. However, if they want to talk to your son, they can call his HS or travel coach and have your son call them.

Some 2012 players are being courted by colleges, and perhaps the other player really is being pursued already. Or his mom may be exaggerating or misunderstanding the situation.

The way to get college coaches to take an interest in your son (and not to just invite him to a revenue producing camp) is:
1)Get him exposure through travel teams, high end tournaments, showcases, and camps.

2)He has to be perceived as a talented player. You can't significantly affect or control this.

Also, the 2012 players that are getting interest now are the 'blue-chippers". Unless you son has been playing for a well-regarded travel program, or his high school plays other schools who have very high level players, or he's gotten a high rating at a well recognized showcase, then he won't generate early interest, because he isn't on the "radar".

Even if he is known, his perceived talent may limit him to later interest, after the the high profile guys have committed.

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