Am I the only one noticing some brattish behavior in the coverage ESPN has of the LL world series? As the populariy has increased (gladly so) of the 12 year-old's event over the last few years, the embarrasing incidents have also increased. The announcers are constantly warning viewers of the "emotions" of the young boys, and I agree 100%. But kids arguing with coaches, and the smirks, pouts, and eye rolls are hard to take. The more sophisticated ESPN gets with the on-field mikes and camera angles the worse it comes off. Just tonight I saw a kid who struck out back-talk a coach who then shoved him into the dugout, and a dog pile after a victory where the player on the bottom yelled " get the F*** off me!" I'm not trying to be holier than thou, and I know these kids have to have been preached to about being on camera, but once the heat of the battle starts they forget and their true character shows. Sometimes it's not pretty for the travel ball generation. Just hope the TV watching country doesn't judge all on the behavior on camera of a few.
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