I’ve had a few innings of LL Regions on in the background the last couple of nights while reading.
Now that the date break has all the kids being twelve there are a lot less really big kids on the field.
They're not gunning pitchers. There hasn’t been any “relative to MLB that’s a 90 mph fastball.”
Without the thirteens there is less velocity from the mound. A lot less 5’9” and taller kids shoving the ball down hitter’s throats.
I still cringe watching pitchers throw a lot of mechanically unsound curves. Nothing wrong with throwing curves if thrown properly. Most kids don’t.
It’s amusing how life and death the parents are in the stands.
As a kid I would be embarrassed if my mother wore a game jersey with the name The Big Shexy on the back.
Or if my father was dancing and swinging from the screen because we scored the go ahead run.
The town I played LL had ten leagues with four to six teams each. Players had to be good enough to make teams. Years later the town has one league with six teams. Everyone who wants to play makes it.
Even in PA where my kids grew up our district had eighteen teams. Now it only has ten. I don’t know if CR stole leagues, travel stole players, lacrosse stole players or there’s less interest in youth baseball. I don’t live there any longer.
From having been involved with both CR and LL, CR is far less oppressive with its administrative rules.