I agree with Coach May and Prime9, and I think you will find many others that believe in long toss without a doubt or hesitation.
My oldest son has been doing long toss since he was 11. He's always had a strong arm, but long toss has helped make it stronger and more durable without a doubt. Now, his college pitching coach has him do Jaeger band work before he throws either long toss or a bullpen session. He's shown my two other pitcher sons and me how to use the bands too. I'm a huge believer in long toss and the bands because it has worked for him AND me (50 years old!). Also, my son would shut down his throwing for 6-8 weeks at the end of the Fall season, so he's never been part of a 12 month program. My two other sons have been doing the same routine as the older brother without issue. It works for us.
My oldest son did not throw a breaking pitch until he was 16. This was a choice he made, and advice was given by professional pitching instructor. It worked for us, and he's had no serious arm issues ever. In addition , his travel coach and high school coach were very aware of pitch counts so overuse wasn't ever an issue.
I think you're doing a smart thing by researching this. Everybody is different, and you need to find what works for you. I think you'll find more info on the topic in the
Pitching and Throwing section of HSBBWeb.
wklink said....I try to do long toss with the boy. Of course these days my idea of long toss and his idea of long toss are two different things. I can't throw the ball 100 feet.
There was a time when I couldn't throw either. We used two buckets. One bucket was full and the other empty. When we got to a point where I couldn't throw, I was just put the ball in the empty bucket. I've been doing long toss with my oldest since he's been home from college. My glove hand is a little tender, but it is father/son time that is priceless.