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It's like those tubes at the drive-thru window at the bank where you send your documents to the teller inside.

I suppose if you go about it all wrong it could result in Tommy John surgery...that'd be tough to do, but it's not inconceivable!

I think rz1 and thegame2003 have worked out a better solution. Not as much fun...but certainly more workable.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
My husband is going blind due to an eye disease. However a couple of years ago my youngest son came home griping that dad kept missing the ball. A moment later my husband came through with his pants leg up to his knee and a huge red/purple knot on his shin bone. The next day we told our sons about their dads eye disease. The following weekend my sons took Dad to the cages and showed pops their new way to practice. My oldest put a large board behind the net. He threw to the spot on the board. Long toss was between him and his older brother. Helped that he was a catcher. Dad still goes with the boys to work out but now he is a watcher and an advice sharer.
JDsDad - I'm feeling ya! Not sure how old your son is but mine is 13 but when we long toss, I'm good until he gets to about the depth of a HS outfielder and he can 1 or 2 hop it to home (I rainbow them back). Then he gets even deeper. If I try to throw them out to him, he has to run in and fetch the ball, run it back out and then throw it back in. At some point the light goes on and then I just start hitting them out to him.....much easier on the arm!

Woodrow - what's the tube thing? I'm picturing one of those spud guns. Eek
Last edited by Beezer
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
allabout baseball:

I'm sorry to hear about your husband's is great that he stays involved...give him a big thumbs up! good

Thanks Wood....I meant to include that in my previous post but had to take a call and forgot when I submitted it. That's awesome he is still involved!!!

Originally posted by Beezer:
Woodrow - what's the tube thing? I'm picturing one of those spud guns. Eek

The tube thing? Like at the bank drive-thru window...put your documents in the the cylinder in the tray...the door closes...WHOOSH!...voila!...your documents have been sent pneumatically to the teller! Of course it works in reverse also...that's how you get your cash or documents back! Amazing huh?

And if you show up to the drive-thru window at the bank with a spud gun then they'll haul you to the pokey...and it won't be a smooth, pleasant pneumatic ride either!

It's always best to be careful with potatoes... In a hurry one morning I was trying to finish up breakfast while at the drive-thru window at the bank. I was stuffing the last fistful of hash browns in my mouth as I leaned out the window to place the cylinder in the tray...judging by the astonished look on her face, an antsy teller apparently thought my potatoes may have been a weapon of some sort.

Just as she was whirling around to sound the alarm, the cylinder containing my documents arrived at her station, luckily for me she spotted some greasy, shredded potatoes in the cylinder. She immediately calmed down once she realized that the imagined weapon was merely a portion of my messy breakfast. She wished me a "good morning" and I was soon on my way.

Everytime I see her we have a good laugh about that morning. When she sees that I have either of my daughters in the car with me at the drive-thru window she always sends out a lollipop for my daughter and a stale french fry for me!
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
I was stuffing the last fistful of hash browns in my mouth as I leaned out the window to place the cylinder in the tray...judging by the astonished look on her face, an antsy teller apparently thought my potatoes may have been a weapon of some sort.

Apparently somebody else held up the bank previously while holding a light golden brown gun in their mouth??? noidea

Getting back to the you know somebody that actually has something along these lines? OR was that just a Woodrow-ism?
Last edited by Beezer
Originally posted by Beezer:
Apparently somebody else held up the bank previously while holding a light golden brown gun in their mouth??? noidea

Perhaps so. That is the only logical explanation for that teller's response to my breakfast. On second thought...she may have been whirling for the phone instead of the alarm...she may have thought that fistful of hash browns was more than this hungry Irishman could handle in one bite and she was poised to call 911 for medical help. She hasn't come clean with me...

Getting back to the you know somebody that actually has something along these lines? OR was that just a Woodrow-ism?

We talking tube or tuber?

Woodrow-ism? Hard to tell...phact phrom phiction!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
I tried a really big sling shot but if you don't pull back evenly on both sides when you lay back it can really bruise your leg and cause you to run around screaming like a banshee. Also if you forget to let go it can drag you for about thirty feet. I'm usually about that much short anyway when I just throw it, so that does work out pretty good if I throw it from the closer point.
Bulldog, My son gets frustrated when his team "long tosses" at practice. His teammates are stretched out throwing with a crow hop and an arc max effort and he's still taking one step and throwing it on a line. With all but one of his teammates he'd be throwing 30 or 40 ft. past them if he was throwing with an arc. It would be better if he could throw with the one with the strong arm every time but they're supposed to throw with a new partner every practice.

08Dad I was actually wondering the same thing.

Gotwood you've had some other ideas. Have you ever watched American Inventor?
Last edited by JDsDad
rz1, you suggested using a bag of balls. That does'nt work in Oregon it rains A LOT here. We would have a lot of really heavy baseballs. But then I guess we would'nt have to buy any of those weighted baseballs they sell on the internet for increased velocity. If anybody wants to buy any for cheaper I can get as many as you want for a real discount. Cool

Where do I need to go to get this great thread I started nominated as a Golden Thread? MN-MOM? Big Grin

Originally posted by JDsDad:
Yea if you reef to hard the rubberband will break and then you're running around screaming again.

Thank you, thank you, thank you...someone understands.

Upon moving to the Chicago area over twenty years ago I discovered that every time I used my Pacific Northwest vernacular all I would get from the locals is a puzzled and perturbed look. I especially recall that look when using the term reef.

I necessarily had to lose most all of that vernacular or become callous to all of those puzzled and perturbed looks. I was too young to be callous so it was bye-bye Pacific Northwest vernacular and hello Sout Side Chicaga vernacular.

Have I ever watched American Inventor? If it's on cable, then no.

I'm pretty certain that I'm not the first person to discover the luke warm six pack breakfast launcher...I have vivid memories of seeing those being used at Denny's when I was a youngster.
Last edited by gotwood4sale

Originally posted by 08Dad:
While my son has given up on me long ago, reading this thread has given me an idea - what about those things they make for throwing a tennis ball for your dog. They are about 2 feet long and would give you a little extra flip...

Oh you guys on the peninsula...doing everything for your animals...can't your dog throw his own tennis ball? Did 44 teach you that one?

Given that I have the world's only golden retriever that won't retrieve, I really don't have to worry about that!!!!

He basically views a thrown ball as something to watch rather than something to go get -

But perhaps you are right - I should try letting him throw and I'll go get it...

I do have a question for you more experienced midwestern types - after a session with the dog throwing and you retrieving, does your dog ice?

Originally posted by 08Dad:

Given that I have the world's only golden retriever that won't retrieve, I really don't have to worry about that!!!!

The only one? Imagine how valuable will be when non-retrievers become all the rage! It doesn't hurt that he's Golden...California surfer dude!

He basically views a thrown ball as something to watch rather than something to go get -

At least he has good 'eye-tossed ball' coordination. He probably doesn't want to mess up his beautiful smile by mouthing the tossed balls.

But perhaps you are right - I should try letting him throw and I'll go get it...

Don't hold your breath...if there is any chance he might break a nail by tossing you a ball, he is not going to risk it!

I do have a question for you more experienced midwestern types - after a session with the dog throwing and you retrieving, does your dog ice?

You might find a Huskie or a Malamute doing the ice thing...but not the Golden Retrievers...they're already cool enough!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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