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For most of the showcases you just need to request an invite.


There are a few events that are "invitation only", and are only open to the best players that PG has seen - other than those, just click on the "request an invite" button.


Also, if you haven't already done so read through the "recruiting" section on the hsbaseballweb home page.  Lots of good info for you.

Originally Posted by jamesp:

Hello all. My son is a HS sophomore in Washington DC. We are interested in the PG showcases and was wondering how the invitation process works? He would like to attend and was wondering how he can get on the invite list or get in front of the PG staff and get rated. Please advise.

Agree with Rob T.

Have your son build his profile on PG, then hit request invite.

There are a few PG events, like the Jr National or National Showcases where you have to be named a Top Prospect at a previous PG Showcase to get invited.


Originally Posted by jamesp:

Great! I appreciate the help! We missed the Showcase in Fredericksburg Va. Do you all think its worth the effort/expense to travel to the Showcases out of state?

If your son's skill set and his physical development are ready it's worth it to travel.


Have you gone to any local showcases or camps where you've been able to benchmark your son's measurable's (60, IF velo, Bspeed, Pitching velo's)?

Before you spend the money to go to a high priced event you should have a reference for where his speed and velo's are.


What position does he play?  If pitcher, how big? velo's?  




Originally Posted by jamesp:

He is an OF, mostly CF. He attends camps at DiamondSkills, etc. He is 6'0' 165. His last 60 run was at 6.67. His Of velo was in the low 80's. And Bspeed was about the same low 80's.

Nice. Get him stronger in the off-season and wait to attend one of the PG Sunshine Showcase in May/June.  If he performs well he'll make the Top Prospect team, enabling a PG National Jr. invite.

Good luck to your son.

Originally Posted by jamesp:

thanks Gov. This is exactly what his coach told him after last season! He does the offseason workouts at his school, led by the wrestling coach? Can you point me to what types of exercises he needs specifically for baseball?

Lots of movements he can do - I would direct you to Eric Cressey's website and follow him on twitter.  Cressey has a number of guys spread around the country that are building their own businesses of his model with his mentorship - maybe you can call his shop and inquire.  We just found one around our area by doing this.

Eric Cressey:


I would caution you with lifting moves fit for a wrestler or football player, but not fit for an "overhead athlete" (baseball or basketball players).  If he continues with lifting moves dedicated wrestling it will start to affect his throwing.  (example: too bulked up in the traps & delts).  Also, watch out for the deadlifts as a young high schooler - with the recent growth phase a lot of the athletes have really tight hip flexors and they're not activating their glutes and hamstrings properly and the load goes right to the lower back.  You can mitigate this risk by having an assessment done by a physical sports rehab place.  I did it last week with my 2018.  Learned a lot.  Your son is a quick kid and likely doesn't have the same issue as mine, he maybe ok with the deadlift moves.


Happy to share the information, which is what I like about this site.



Originally Posted by jamesp:

yeah I agree with you. Not sure why his head coach has the wrestling coach supervising the baseball teams workouts... But thanks for all your help my friend. I really appreciate your input and wisdom. We will talk about these showcases further when he gets home and see what we will do! Thanks again!

More likely than not at some schools, only the wrestling coach can distinguish between a barbell and dumb bell.   

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