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Take a look at Bryce Harper, study his load up, negative reverse to the ball rotation and his unload,positive forward rotation back into the flight of the ball, remember the hips lead the way, they get your hands, knob, keep them inside of the ball, and barrel started by rotating slightly first ahead of your hands, when you rotate, load up, negatively counter to the flight of the ball you take your very short step at the same time, it is as if you had a long rubber band hooked to your front foot,try it, and the other end hooked to the knob of your bat,and as you load up you stretch the rubber band back at the knob and forward at the toe as you step forward.
This is called rotational body movement, what I see in your video clip is what is called Linear body movement, which is straight forward body movement with no rotation until the swing is executed with forward hip and rear foot pivot, during your rear foot pivot be sure not to squish the bug, or "push" your foot down into the surface, do a front foot toe touch and as you enter your swing you want your heel to get down to the ground and your rear foot toe to just lightly roll up to it's tip, view Bryce Harper on the high school baseball web. click on hitting then click on hitters video archive[please contribute]then scroll down to the video of Bryce Harper and you will see what I am explaining to you. and remember that the only way you can get your weight out on your front foot is to move your head forward, get into your stance and have someone put their hand on your forehead and hold tight then attempt to move your weight forward.

Let me know how you come out, remember when you work on making any adjustment at all it takes a bit of time and repetition, give it time and when you get the timing and rythm down you will be hitting the ball with much more authority.
Don Ervin
Overall, he looks pretty inconsistent and the swing looks forced (as opposed to loose/free/efficient). The linear vs rotational thing doesn't really matter at this point because the hitter doesn't repeat anything. My guess is the hitter isn't familiar with either term anyway.

Has the player seen this video yet? If yes, what were his reactions? If no, why not??

Some questions I would have for the hitter when watching the video with him to spark conversation:
- What do you see?
- What do you think about your back foot?
- What are you trying to do with that back foot? Back knee? Back hip?
- Overall, how do you feel about your balance?

I would avoid talking about the hands until you see adjustments with the feet.

Two more things:
1. Filming from behind the hitter will help diagnose timing issues. (Poor timing could be causing his hands to do some things that aren't improved by adjusting his feet.)
2. This kid is gassed. Do these swings actually represent his game swing?
2 easy fixes:

His shoulders should not stay level throughout the swing. (see my avatar of Babe)

At toe touch, back shoulder should be up. At contact, back shoulder shoulder be down. In between, he should be rotating.

His hands should not start back at the catcher. Bring them forward, then as he shifts his weight forward to toe touch, bring the hands back.
Last edited by SultanofSwat

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