Brooks Robinson won 16 Gold Gloves. Next best is 6.
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Brooks certainly was in a class by himself for that era. It has been interesting to see the different types of people playing the hot corner position morph over the years. After Brooks, there was Mike Schmidt and George Brett who were a distinctly a different type of 3rd basemen and also HOFers.
GB is why every kid from my area and era wanted to wear #5.
My brand spanking new grandson is named Brooks!
(Everyone thinks since we are a baseball family it is because of Mr. Robinson. However, it is a family name. I love it either way!)
I gave my first born the middle name of Brooks and it was largely influenced by #5. Ironically, the other son is the one that chose the baseball path and wore #5 at times but, more importantly, both have some of the admirable character traits.