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I have been throwing 2 bullpens a week indoors for about 7-8 weeks. I throw about 30 pitches each time. The first couple of weeks I would hit 91 a few times and sit around 88-89.. The last few times I have thrown, I only top out at 89 and sit around 87-88.. I havnt hit 91 in awhile and I am supposed to throw a bullpen for a scout next week. We have been practicing alot with the High School team and finally got outside last week. Is this normal to see a drop like this? I thought I would be gaining velocity by know not losing a little.
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Depends on what other throwing you've been doing and what your bullpens consist of. 30 pitches twice a week isn't a lot especially if you're just working on location and not trying for velocity on more than a couple pitches.

Could be lack of hard throwing or it could be a little glitch in your mechanics. There's no way to tell. BTW, was the last measurement outside while the previous ones were inside? Sometimes it can be a bit harder to throw well with wind and cold affecting you.
Within reason (It shouldn't be pointing directly away from the release point.) it doesn't matter where the gun is pointing. It only matters where the gun is relative to the path of the ball at release. I've had a gun in the right location pointing 90 degrees from the path of the ball and gotten good readings.
Last edited by CADad
Are you rebuilding your tendons and ligaments between bullpens? Throwing of a mound is a tearing down process on your body and your arm. Have you incorporated an elastic band program into your regimen and a light dumbell workout program for your rotator cuff?
This helped me and many pitchers not only stay injury free, but to maintain velocity througout the entire season. Best of luck to you!

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