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Originally posted by soxnole:
IMO, a real baseball fan would prefer a pitching match up to a home run barrage.

A TV audience is a poor place to hunt for real fans. Casual fans probably outnumber the "real" type at least 5-1.

Well someone MAY be understanding of what was posted. Someone who really truly understands baseball will enjoy a great pitching matchup to a hitfest anyday, but most of the viewing audience for the WS tune into for entertainment (unless it is their own team).

We tried to watch the WS on our 13 inch battery powered TV, but it was difficult so we listened on the radio, which was not that enjoyable. It seemed by the second game, with all of the mess down here, it just wasn't important who won or lost.
There is no need to say your sorry for a misinterpreted comment. i would just like to say that the last thing i would like to happen is for me to stir up any issue's with you or anyone from this great web-site, it has helped me and my son out so very much. and i do apoligize for the question i posted to you,i should and will keep my comments to myself.J.H.
just my opinion but the whitesox kinda bore me. I don't know what it is though. I didn't care much who won this series, I just was not into it. I was also a little bummed that my phils were not in it and the astros were. But hey, what are ya gonna do. Anyway, true baseball fans watched the world series anyway. And that is what I did, although it wasn't my favorite.
Don't ever stop posting because someone ruffled your feathers when it was not necessary.
Chances are it wasn't you to begin with. Smile

Yes, as true baseball fans we tried to follow the series. We also appreictate good pitching matchups. Games were close, as son always says, those are the games you live and die for.

I am not an Astros or a Sox fan. I just feel that the Cards might have added some spark and class to the series.
I don't think my son would be playing if it wasn't for those nail biting, heart and gut wrenching kind of games. Gives the body a chance to experience adreneline first hand.
For me, they make me sick sometimes, especially when your own flesh and blood is on the mound. Big Grin
Last edited by TPM
Tiger Paw Mom:

I know how nerve wracking it can be to watch your own son out on the mound...but have faith in his ability. If he wasn't capable or willing he wouldn't be out there!

When my son pitches I go around the park and pick up trash while glancing over my shoulder to keep track of the action. I think my son actually likes that! I know the groundskeeper does!

Sorry if I jumped on you too hard with the 'paint drying' remark. Watching paint dry is supposed to be very boring, as the cliche goes, and I reasoned that if you were extremely bored with the White Sox then perhaps merely watching paint dry may perk you up.

I hope your Phillies come around soon and win the big one...then you can send me to the freshly painted corner and then I can watch the paint dry!


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