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I looked at Macalister when I was a senior in high school. That was five years ago when Coach Matt Parrington was in (I believe) his third year. The school is phenominal academically. There are few (maybe 3 or 4) liberal arts schools that can hold a candle to Macalister.

I found Coach Parrington to be a great individual. I really liked him and was quite dissapointed that I didn't find the school as attractive as I had anticipated prior to my visit. I would have love to play for him. The biggest drawback against the school is the location. Minnesota is a cold, cold place to play baseball in the spring. When the whole conference is located in a 2 hour radius that makes for some cold April and May games.

The field was, at the time, nice. Astroturf infield helps in bad weather. There was 4 inches of snow on the field in last November when I visited.

Let me know if I can be of more help.

You had also asked about Macalester last fall and several people posted replies, so you might want to check back on that thread as well.

I don't mean this comment to be critical, but just a suggestion for all members when you post a very specific question such as asking about a particular college: If you make sure to return to the thread and acknowledge the responses, the members who took the time to type a reply won't wonder if the original poster forgot to check back for replies after posting the question.

Best wishes to your son! Yes, it can be cold for baseball here in Minnesota, but yesterday my son's team played their home opener in sunny weather at 60+ degrees - beautiful! Big Grin

Last edited by MN-Mom
MN-MOM, Thank you for bringing my lack of an acknowledgement to my attention. I don't post too often and honestly speaking it didn't occur to me to send an acknowledgement. Now I know better. I did ask about a few different schools in an earlier post, however, it looks as though my son will choose Macalester and I thought some more recent feedback might be useful. By the way I certainly did read your previous post. Thank you for taking the time.
DBL2THEGAP, Thank you for your info. My son also had a very positive experience with coach Parrington during his visit. I was surprised that the cold weather didn't seem to be that big of a deal to him, especially since we live in San Francisco. I have also heard great things about Macalester's academic reputation which is, of course, the most important factor. Thank goodness I still have all of my ski clothes. Thanks again for the replies.

It sounds like your son has made a great choice, and congrats to him for being accepted to Macalester, which is pretty selective. I re-read my post above, and while it was meant as a helpful suggestion to other members, in retrospect it sounds kind of critical, so I apologize for that. It wasn't meant that way.

Although my son's school doesn't play Macalester this year, it is possible that they would in the next couple of years, so maybe our sons will play each other! Smile
Last edited by MN-Mom

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