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i'm a rising freshman at the Haverford School. they have a decent program, but they only have a JV and Varsity (they really like there lacrosse ahaha). i was wondering how i can make the varsity team? there was already a freshman starter last year. my friend said they need a second baseman and i play that and shortstop. he also said they look for pitchers, thats what i do to. any suggestions on how to make the team?
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Lando, start by making your arm strength and athleticism undeniable. Work hard this offseason.. train doing cardio, plyometrics, weights, proper nutrition.. but definitely THROW as much as possible. Long-toss in the winter, either indoors in a facility or into a net in your home. Do a Google on Alan Jaeger's long-toss program.

Are you a pitcher or a thrower? You can definitely make yourself more valuable if you can pitch and play the field as well. If you truly can/want to pitch get some qualified instruction in your area. Mechanics are very important.

You can find a roster spot if you work hard enough this offseason. Also, get on a competitive team this Summer and Fall to refine your game. Good luck!
The process to make varsity is very similar to making any other team whether it be a JV team, summer team or a college team. First the team has wants, needs, and requirements that influence the way the coach selects his team. (you say there is a need for a second baseman and pitchers). Secondly you must have enough talent and ability to influence the coach to “pick” you as a member of his varsity team. Thirdly the coach needs to be aware of you, your talent and your desire to compete at the varsity level.

Here are the things you can control:

You can control your talent/ability with your work ethic toward being the best you can be. This is no small task and one could write a book about all the things you can do to improve in this area. The list might include lessons, camps, selecting the right summer teams, diet, physical workouts, “T” work, batting cages, fungo drills, thera bands, long toss and the list goes on.

Get your name out to the coach so he knows who you are. This might be accomplished by attending a camp at the high school (if they have one) or just dropping in the coach’s office (or ask to talk to him after class). You can explain you’re really looking forward to playing varsity baseball and would like to know what he might suggest you can do between now and tryouts. He might suggest a summer team or an instructor --- who know. He may not have any suggestions but at least when you leave his office he will know who you are and that you want the job. Wink
Keep us posted.
Last edited by Fungo
lando said:i'm a rising freshman at the Haverford School. they have a decent program, but they only have a JV and Varsity (they really like there lacrosse ahaha). i was wondering how i can make the varsity team? there was already a freshman starter last year. my friend said they need a second baseman and i play that and shortstop. he also said they look for pitchers, thats what i do to. any suggestions on how to make the team?

Go see the varsity coach today...introduce yourself and find out what he recommends you do this summer to prepare for next season. For example, does he have a recommended summer program, baseball team you should be playing with? Does he know of a group of players who are working out together that you can join? Which workout program does he recommend, eg in our area we have 24 Hour Fitness that is free to high school varsity seniors.

Even if he has no answers you will have established a working relationship with him and he will from there forward know who you are and acknowledge you in the hallways.

This is important for all JV players to establish presence in the locker room with the coaches and other varsity players.
Last edited by LLorton
Originally posted by lando:
i'm a rising freshman at the Haverford School. they have a decent program, but they only have a JV and Varsity (they really like there lacrosse ahaha). i was wondering how i can make the varsity team? there was already a freshman starter last year. my friend said they need a second baseman and i play that and shortstop. he also said they look for pitchers, thats what i do to. any suggestions on how to make the team?
What you can do is everything possible to make yourself the best player you can be. You also need to increase your upper body strength. It's one of the major differences between freshman and upperclassmen.

Be seen in the weightroom between now and baseball tryouts next spring. Be the first to workouts and the last to leave. Always hustle on the field. Play every ball in BP like it's the seventh game of the World Series. You will be noticed.

Do not worry about position. The only positions you should worry about is "on the field" and "not on the field." If you're varsity material you're capable of playing seven of the nine positions with minimal training. A few years ago when GA was a USA Today Top 25 they had six shortstops in their lineup. Six of the seven non pitcher/catcher positions were shortstops. Why? They were the best baseball players in the program (and GA recruits).

You're in the right school to have the opportunity to start early. You probably wouldn't have the opportunity (with a handful of exceptions) at GA, CHA and MP.

Add: You should be playing summer ball at the highest level possible, not rec ball. If you're not on an ECTB/USSSA tournament team try to get on one. At the worst I hope you're playing Junior Legion. PM me if you want to get on an ECTB team. I don't have any openings on my team. But I know coaches. I can steer you in the right direction.
Last edited by RJM

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